Sliding head first vs feet first

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Dec 7, 2011
I hate the head first cuz I think it increases chances for injury ESPECIALLY because so many defensive base-minders are being taught to be immoveable pillars out in front of the bag/base.

Everything ebbs and flows. I think it's time for feet-first sliding to come back into fashion to counter all the defensive pillars.

The advantage I see with head first is the "smart" hand-jabbing a runner can do to sneak in on the base. Ya can't do this with agility with your feet.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Both my DD's slide very well feet first. I would hate to see them mandated to change to saomething that they may not do as well without good reason.
Feb 18, 2014
Cincinnati, Oh.
Personally I prefer head first. A lot more options to avoid the tag. Being able to maneuver the lead hand saved me a lot. I have not taught my DD. She's not interested in learning.... for now.

Sure there's danger in it. There's danger in everything. I've seen a lot more broken ankles than fingers.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
I always did the head first...I felt I could slide easier on my hands than on my legs and was in better control, could see where I was going and what was happening....allowing me to pick a spot on the bag to grab or avoid, etc.

The whole deal with staying away from the head first is obviously injury. Hands/fingers can get mangled....head can get hit...and most of all (with softball) the face mask on the helmet can grab the dirt (perhaps anchor itself for a millisecond) and jolt/snap the head & neck.

Of course sliding feet first, your cleat can grab the dirt and snap the ankle too....the lesser of the two evils.
May 7, 2008
During Cubs/ diamond backs game today, I saw a Cub slide head first at 1st base. The 1st baseman was on top of the bag and the runner had no where to go. It wiped the baseman out and runner advanced to 2nd. It looked like the runner was going to dive before he saw the guy on top of the bag, though.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
When I see the grace and agility of countless players tripping over 1st base like it was their misplaced fuzzy slippers on their bedroom floor, I have to think that having them slide headfirst may not be a great idea. However, it would open up opportunities for reserve players as the starters heal up. :)

Sliding head first should not be allowed. Otherwise what are the Noob umpires going to do?

Page 53, Section 2 of the Noob Umpires Training System (NUTS):

1) Tag below knee = out.
2) Tag above knee = safe.

As you can see sliding first will be an unfair advantage to the offense as virtually all tags would be above the knee.
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