Should She Make Varsity?

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Feb 20, 2015
If anyone can figure out the workings of the mind of a teenage girl, please let me know. I would say that if she had a bad attitude as an 8th grader, that it is possible that it has changed by her sophmore year. Also keep in mind that there may have been more going on with her than just not enough playing time. Could have been things going on in the home (drugs,alcohol, fighting, parents about to divorce, illness of a family member, list goes on an on) that noone is aware of. DD had a girl on her team several years ago that had a bad attitude, but was one of the most physically talented girls I have seen. Dad was a severe alcoholic, and abusive, and brother went to prison. Mom killed herself. Sad situation all around.

Point is you don't know what people are going through at home. I personally have things going on at home right now that nobody on DDs team knows about. Her attitude and playing level have suffered significantly. Still working on situation.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
If anyone can figure out the workings of the mind of a teenage girl, please let me know.

Does this help?...
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Early indications from winter workouts seem to suggest that the attitude hasn't changed.

I guess I'm wondering if the coach will be sending a message to the rest of the team (and the parents) if this girl is allowed to quit JV (in response to an adult coaching her on her attitude) without consequences...which is what will happen if she makes varsity.

Relax. Unlikely the Varsity coach is going to be more lenient than a JV coach pertaining to a player's attitude.

If the attitude issue raises it's head then the Varsity coach will most likely take care of it.
Jan 7, 2014
Thanks for all the comments. I'll post after tryouts with an update.

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I'm changing my vote. LOL

qsort, then you see what some of the problems are your dd faces. I'd think that quitting in the middle of a season has to really bother the HC. It would bother me. To be blunt, I don't tolerate any attitude from players. I don't allow my teams to have super stars and if they are bad teammates, they aren't going to be a part of my program for very long. Good luck!

And that my friend, is the view of many college coaches. If she wants to play at the next level, she better change the attitude or else...
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I'll share a story that many on here already know. DD, as a Freshman was a V player. The starting Senior catcher had back surgery her Junior year to cure Scoliosis. Her Senior year, she had surgery on her throwing shoulder. She was cleared to go by the season start but could barely lollipop the ball to first let alone throwdown to second. She couldn't drop and block due to the hardware in her back (platinum rods, hooks and screws). When she required additional back surgery half-way through the season, the other Senior catcher took over. Although she dropped and blocked, she had no arm and couldn't throw anyone out at second let alone first. Meanwhile, DD never saw an inning behind the plate or an at bat appearance the entire Freshman year of HS. Yet she continued to cheer her teammates on and be the best teammate she could be.

Yes, DD was the best catcher they had at the time but the coaches rewarded seniority. She would come home from each game crushed and in tears that she wasn't able to play the game and help represent her HS especially knowing that she was the best catcher they had.

Fast forward to Sophomore year and she was the starting catcher. It didn't matter that every other Freshman that started the previous year lettered for V and she didn't. For DD, it was all about being on the field and yes, she lettered her Sophomore year.

Junior year, she remains the V catcher and far outshines those following behind her due mainly to her team attitude, work ethic and the want to be on the field.

The point remains, team attitude is everything and few coaches want someone that thinks this game is 'all about them.'

If I were the V coach, I would have a sit down with that player and let her know that there's no "I" in team. Those that show the true meaning of team spirit would be the players I want. If she can't do that, whether she ends up on V or JV, then I don't want her.
Last edited:
Dec 19, 2012
Parent of the freshman pitcher. JV plays at a pretty high level here, so it's ok if she plays JV and gets more circle time... As opposed to warming the bench on varsity.

Then why does something you have no control over concern you enough to post looking for opinions? Don't worry about it. Your dd will try out and she will land where she lands....either cut, Freshman (if there is a Freshman team), JV, or V. I'm sure she will do just fine.
Jan 7, 2014
Then why does something you have no control over concern you enough to post looking for opinions? Don't worry about it. Your dd will try out and she will land where she lands....either cut, Freshman (if there is a Freshman team), JV, or V. I'm sure she will do just fine.

I was curious about how others might view this situation. 40 posts later, my curiosity is satisfied. I agree with you. My daughter will be fine regardless.

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