Saw a OneX in use yesterday.

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Mar 23, 2010
Saw a team yesterday use a OneX in play.
Not sure which of the org's actually governs this particular tourney, but I would think that since LS recalled the bat, it has been withdrawn from the approved bat list of all the sanctioning org's and thus illegal to use.
Do i have that right?
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
It is illegal, so you certainly have a right to object.

Personally, I wouldn't care if they used the bat because it wasn't banned because of performance or unfair advantage.
Dec 7, 2011
Back from TB practice yesterday - "poof" another Xeno bites the dust.

Not sure who's keeping track of the "overall" but from my perspective X-bats just aint cuttin the mustard.....
Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
My DGD, a 14U power hitter, used a 2011 Xeno last year, practice and games, with no problems. Some of her teammates used it also. She forgot and used it with weighted balls several times. Late in the fall she got a larger 2013 Xeno and so far, so good (holding my breath).

In all the tournaments last year, I only saw one come apart. A dad was coming out of the park holding the two Xeno pieces (2012 model). He said it was a three week old replacement for one that his DD broke earlier.

I hope they figure out what is wrong before someone get hurt!


A real searcher
May 27, 2012
I saw a ONEX being used at a PGF national qualifier in Texas this weekend. I know ASA has removed the ONEX from the acceptable list
If the bat was recalled for failing to maintain integrity during use does that make the bat illegal to use if the defect results in breakage but does not give a player an advantage ie enhanced performance. Just trying to figure out why it would be banned due to a defect.
Mar 1, 2013
I saw a ONEX being used at a PGF national qualifier in Texas this weekend. I know ASA has removed the ONEX from the acceptable list
If the bat was recalled for failing to maintain integrity during use does that make the bat illegal to use if the defect results in breakage but does not give a player an advantage ie enhanced performance. Just trying to figure out why it would be banned due to a defect.

It was not technically "Banned", but removed on request due to the manufacturing recall. For purposes of rule enforcement, the bat is "Non-approved" and would carry the same penalties as stepping into the batter's box with any other non-approved bat. In ASA, the player is out and ejected. In USSSA, they are simply out.
Mar 23, 2010
Essentially what I thought. The team using it was getting beaten like a rented mule, so no point in the opposing coach pointing it out. Surprising there was no bat check to shield the TD from potential liability.

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