Ringers offering new insoles

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Oct 19, 2009
DD is pitching in college and usually needs her insoles replaced once a year and she wears the Ringers shoes, a size 12 in women.

JMO the Ringer insoles are made for that shoe and are reasonable priced and her mother and I just always order the insoles from Ringer.

We’re fixing to order a pair of spikes and turf shoes from Ringer for her, she is 18 YO and starts her second year in college.
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Dec 7, 2011
You dedicated Ringor folks aware of the heaviness of that shoe brand for pitchers with the pitcher toe?

Ya they are durable and all that. But man when DD stepped out of Ringors after being dedicated to them for almost three years (with still the same one new pair every year) she said it was like floating on air.

Don't take my word for it. Compare to DD's favorite now which is the Mizuno 9-spike swift G2. (has a pitcher toe too)

(just tryin to be helpful)
Sep 3, 2009
You dedicated Ringor folks aware of the heaviness of that shoe brand for pitchers with the pitcher toe?

Ya they are durable and all that. But man when DD stepped out of Ringors after being dedicated to them for almost three years (with still the same one new pair every year) she said it was like floating on air.

Don't take my word for it. Compare to DD's favorite now which is the Mizuno 9-spike swift G2. (has a pitcher toe too)

(just tryin to be helpful)

FWIW - being somewhat of an expert in buying cleats :p

I've found over the years the ones that last 3 mos, and the ones that are more durable and last much longer. My DD was on a team that required the matching cleats, bags, etc (puke). DD had to wear the heavy Ringors. She loved the fit, and those have got to be the best constructed cleats I've ever had to buy. But god almighty are they heavy! DD is on a new team, and is right back to her Mizuno cleats that she prefers, which literally are less than half the weight. They don't last as long as the Ringors, but are super light, and cheaper. She's been getting about 9mos out of the Mizunos so that's not too bad. Also FWIW... my DD is NOT a hurler.

*Disclaimer - Your mileage may vary
May 7, 2008
It is up to the individual. I preferred my kids in a stronger shoe, that offered more protection and kept our feet from burning. I even wear the Ringor turf, but they do make a lighter shoe.

But whatever the cleat, take a look and see how crummy the insole may be getting.
Jun 19, 2013
My daughter is 11 and has been pitching for about a year and a half. I was hesitant to buy Ringors based on all the comments about how heavy they are, but knew I needed to do something the way she was tearing through the toes of other cleats. Thankfully we live near the factory and were able to go try on a pair which immediately pronounced comfortable so we got them. When we got home I weighed them as a pair against her Boombahs and against a pair of Nikes. The pair was about 4 ounces heavier than the Boombahs, and 8 ounces heavier than the Nikes. That equates to about 2-4 ounces per leg. And I figure she can always wear an ultra light pair during games where she is in the outfield. She loves them after two tournaments and we have had way less complaints of sore feet after practice and games.
Mar 25, 2011
My daughter had the Ringors. The 'light' pair. If I recall, they weighed 13.2 oz each...I madea post on this a year ago. Her Mizuno Watleys are 9.6 oz each. For a girl that weighs 90 lbs, those 4 oz are alot. You can watch the girls run in the Ringors... you can see how heavy their feet are when they run.

I'm just an average guy, with an average job... but for my $ , it's worth buying the extra cleats (especially since Ringors are more expensive) and having her beat out the throws to first.
Nov 14, 2011
My DD has several pairs of cleats, mostly because she tears through them FAST. She currently has a pair of Ringors (with pitching toe), Mizuno Blaze (w/o PT), 3n2 (w/ PT) and Boombah (w/ PT). The Ringors are the best quality of the four, but that comes with a heavy price (pun intended). They are HEAVY! But they still look good and are comfortable. The only problem we have had is the insoles as Amy has mentioned. We went through 2 pairs of insoles in one year. The other issue with the Ringors is that my DD has had issues with blisters on both feet while wearing them for a long time in one day. She played 4 games back to back and ended up with big blisters on both feet. Not fun. The set that she wears now are the 3n2 metal with PT. They are comfortable and have the PT option and are MUCH lighter than the Ringors. The Mizuno and Boombah's wore out within a few practices/tournaments. Neither had a pitching toe option on them.

I tell my DD to wear what she wants, and she chooses the 3n2 when pitching and the Mizuno's when playing the field. The Ringors never get used anymore.....
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
My dd left her ringor cleats in the back seat of my truck last weekend... when I got in to go to work Mon morning... I thought something had died! Drove to work with all 4 windows down in the rain.
Apr 1, 2010
My dd left her ringor cleats in the back seat of my truck last weekend... when I got in to go to work Mon morning... I thought something had died! Drove to work with all 4 windows down in the rain.

LOL! DH got in my car (DD had neatened up the passenger seat area beforehand by throwing away the trash and tossing her cleats into the back) the other day and said the car smelled like fish. Um, not fish, but it definitely isn't roses. :-D

DD's still wearing those Asics Gels, that I think are actually field hockey/lacrosse cleats. They're pretty light weight and really seem to protect her ankles and heels from being jarred so much. They've held up really well, but she's a catcher, not a pitcher. She's always pouring dirt out of her shoes before she puts them on, and sometimes has to stop during or between games to pour dirt out. I don't have any idea what the insoles look like, but I expect it's not good!

Off topic, but I recently bought a pair of Asics Gels tennis shoes for myself--wonderfully springy. I wore them for 2 1/2 days around Silver Dollar City (lots of walking and steep hills). I was always tired by the end of the day, but my feet didn't ache!

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