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May 17, 2023
These are all good suggestions. You can ask all the questions you want but you often won't realize you are in a bad situation until it's too late. Everyone *says* the right things. Best thing is to observe when they don't know you're watching, as many have said. Keep in mind 90% of coaches have "a plan" for their own kid's development or career. That's why this team exists! If YOUR kid is a part of that plan it's a lot of fun. If they are not a part of the plan it's miserable. This does not always have anything to do with how good any player is. It's often "will they be nice about it if they are the one left out?" Take your time and don't feel rushed into a situation just to have a home. People always need players and in any case it's better to wait than to be miserable. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. Good coaches and good fits are rare but they make all the difference. Go where you are wanted. A good fit is more important than any class-level or name brand

I think this is really sound advice. Most coaches have totally different personality with the player they want than the player they already have.

Would also add about the big organizations there are plenty of issues with them, sometimes even more. Many of them have expanded so much they become very watered down and scattered.

Also a lot of coaches move their team to the brand name because it helps them recruit players or get fill ins. The reason they need to do that often is an inability to keep a core group together. So they become a drag on the org not an addition.
Aug 7, 2024
My 11 DD in Texas is aging out of 10U into 12U this fall and she's considering playing travel ball at the C level. She's played rec ball since 6 and has been one of the best on her team, but really needs to play with better, more committed teammates. I've started looking at team websites, USSSA results, social media, etc. I'm not necessarily concerned about winning, but definitely heavy on player development and coaches that can build a healthy team culture. In our area there are teams from national organizations, regional organizations, and teams that are independent.

What are some signs of reliable, trustworthy organizations & head coaches (besides just being organized)?

What are some red flags or warning signs of toxic teams that I should be looking out for?
1. Where is the team located
2. Have your daughter meet the coaches to see how she feels about them
3. Meet the girls
4. Give her plenty of time to make a decision
5. If you are not comfortable with her playing there, make it clear in a kind way.
6. Set a list of rules/ boundaries/ things that made you uncomfortable, and try again.

Remember not to look for the perfect team, as that doesn’t exist. Look for one that has good coaching, is in a semi-safe area, and that has kind people who genuinely love the sport.
Jun 11, 2013
I like the idea of going to a tournament and observing what it may be like. In my short time of 1 year doing this, I have witnessed some train wrecks and also had my DD pick up on teams where the players were yelling at the coaches disrespectfully. To me, it shows no control from the top.

Join some local groups on Facebook and find teams having "open practice". The practices they put our girls through is one of my favorite parts about our organization. We started out on a local team and my kid got a ton of playing time, but didn't get as many games in because we weren't that all. It was pretty annoying driving multiple hours on a Sunday morning to go lose one game and come home.

We have been on a national organization since the Fall and she has really had to work for her spots on the field. Your DD may not get as much playing time on a better team, but she will get more games in since they are going deeper in tourneys and she will be challenged by the standard of more skilled teammates. The improvements my DD has made in the past year are mind-blowing to me and she is more confident than ever.

What part of Texas are you in?
Even better is if you get to watch them play and they lose. It's interesting to see how the coaches and parents react.
Feb 14, 2023
Even better is if you get to watch them play and they lose. It's interesting to see how the coaches and parents react.
Yes saw a pitcher on a team we picked up on go from throwing gas, throwing a pitch between her legs, and us run-ruling teams to having a literal breakdown on the mound because a girl threw down to third instead of going for the drop 3rd strike out at 1st. Her Dad seemed alright until his DD was getting everything driven to the gaps and he was freaking out and yelling that the other team had "sandbagged their way to the silver bracket". Sometimes its hard to blame the kids for how they act on the field after you see the parents behavior.
Apr 26, 2019
Yes saw a pitcher on a team we picked up on go from throwing gas, throwing a pitch between her legs, and us run-ruling teams to having a literal breakdown on the mound because a girl threw down to third instead of going for the drop 3rd strike out at 1st. Her Dad seemed alright until his DD was getting everything driven to the gaps and he was freaking out and yelling that the other team had "sandbagged their way to the silver bracket". Sometimes its hard to blame the kids for how they act on the field after you see the parents behavior.
You're not lying. Daughter's team played against a team maybe 3 years ago. They had heard about the girl who would be pitching against them and how she was "really good."

As luck would have it, they jumped on her in the first inning and scored a couple of runs. Before the inning was even over, the girl had a full blown panic attack in the circle. She had to leave the game and never came back on that day (that team lost).

I learned later in the game the girl's mom is an absolute nightmare. She tells coaches if her daughter isn't pitching she will play every inning of every game. She is on a new team every year. I don't know if the coaches get tired of the mom or she is always looking for her ideal situation.

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