Recruiting sites vs. team/individual websites?

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Aug 18, 2014
We have seen and heard a lot of conflicting comments about recruiting services and things of that nature. Our opinion is that the recruiting services are only effective if you are willing to put the work in to get your player recruited they are just a tool to help you get where you want to be, they are definitely not going to do ALL the work for you. With that said, what is the right way to go? We will not discount the value of recruiting services but the key is to showcase your player or your team to make sure they are the ones getting exposure. This takes a lot of work on the parents and players part. All the info on a recruiting website is available for you to go find yourself (if you are willing to put the work in). It all boils down to the player making decisions about what they want to do and where they want to go (with realistic expectations). Once those decisions are made it is not hard to get seen, it just takes hard work and persistence!

Would love to hear some thoughts on if you think both are needed or one has worked better than the other?

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