Practice plans or softball drills for 4-6 year olds

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Apr 21, 2015
I have volunteered to coach my daughters instructional league softball team made up of girls ranging from 4-6 years old. I'm hoping someone has some ideas or practice plans they are willing to share to help get them up and going for the season! If the weather cooperates here in the Northeast, we will start this week! TIA!
May 7, 2008
Hi. My granddaughter has been to softball lessons with me, since she was born. She is now 5.(see avatar) I haven't even signed her up for a team because she can't catch the ball in her glove. What we do, is hit, a lot. They all like to bat. Run races around the bases. She loves to slide.

Ground balls are not going too well. We try bigger bouncy balls. We try bare hands. But, she just doesn't have the coordination, yet.

She can pitch fine and throw overhand fine.

I put her in a lot of protective equipment, because she backs up, when I throw the ball to her. I have moved to 12 inch crocheted balls that are great. She isn't scared of them.

Having the correct glove is imperative. Those toy t-ball gloves are awful. They need an old 10 1/2 or 11 inch glove. And the parents need to work with their child every day.

I was a PE teacher, so I have lots of ideas, but it is all about making it fun and safe and having treats for them. Good luck and get them to want to come back.
May 4, 2014
So Cal
Most important goal is to make it fun and have them want to come back... More batting than fielding, lots of stations with as many assistant coaches.. keep it extremely simple.. always throw to first for example (no turning twos, getting lead runner out etc)

I find it more efficient for coaches to catch with girls vs girl to girl... lot more reps with coach catching with 3 girls at once for example

You will lose them after 1 hr: batting for 20 minutes, running bases for 10, catching for 10, agility exercises for 10 (cross over, pushups, jumping jacks, sprints, side to sides, high kicks... you will be surprised how long it takes them to just do one) and 10 minutes in fun game (be it hit the bucket, chase the leader around bases)

Note: the order should be catching, exercise, run, bat, fun games - you can stretch practice to 1:30 but it means 10 minute pee break, 10 minute get some water 10 minute cattle hearding - you can do it in 1:10 if you cut the pee break and reduce the cattle heard after water breaks
May 7, 2008
A throwing drill that I use, is to hang about 3 large, old, annoying stuffed toys, along the fence. Then, in 3 lines, each girl throws from a certain spot. You may want to use squishy balls, to keep the girls from running up and retrieving their balls and getting hit.

The girls do not seem to compute "Do not go get your ball. I have 100 of them."
Jun 7, 2013
Until fourth grade, my DDs did not play any organized softball. Until then I didn't even know that they'd want to be softball players. But they are now and they are doing well. What we did was play a lot of different sports for fun. We would hit a plastic ball off of a Tee in the backyard for fun. Go to the park and play. I would suggest keeping it light and fun and be very unserious. Any pressure or high expectations at those ages, I believe, is going to backfire.
Aug 6, 2013
Keep in mind you will get about 1 minute of attention span for every year of age - So you have about 5 min to explain somthing to 5 year olds then they will be off to something else. take plenty of breaks.

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