Posting Team Stats

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Our coach only reviews our batting average and strikeout percentage with the girls ( he's big on strikeouts) at the end of each tournament.

Good post, but I'm going to cherry pick this quote to offer the opinion that strikeout percentage is overrated. ...

While it's true that good hitters tend not to strike out (in fast-pitch, not necessarily MLB), they don't become good hitters by consciously trying to avoid a strikeout, or by making it a goal to have a high put-in-play percentage, IMO. Therefore, I would not want to glorify that stat. There are girls that hit .350 and never strike out, but they also never walk and never get an extra-base hit because they have simple swings that won't take them to the next level.
Nov 3, 2012
Good post, but I'm going to cherry pick this quote to offer the opinion that strikeout percentage is overrated. ...

While it's true that good hitters tend not to strike out (in fast-pitch, not necessarily MLB), they don't become good hitters by consciously trying to avoid a strikeout, or by making it a goal to have a high put-in-play percentage, IMO. Therefore, I would not want to glorify that stat. There are girls that hit .350 and never strike out, but they also never walk and never get an extra-base hit because they have simple swings that won't take them to the next level.


I agree with you. The strikeout percentage is overrated, but our coach emphasizes it. I'd rather see a girl go after the ball with an aggressive swing, than choke up on the bat and just put the ball into play. Our goals are the same in devoloping a sound technical swing for the next level.
Aug 4, 2008
Just to play devils advocate. How do you cover the outside corner of the plate when you have her choke up? I call pitches and I will tell you what she is going to get a drop curve. Just a suggestion read Bouldersdads old comments about contact mode. Same thing your trying to teach but a better method. It is something that we learned from Bustos with two strike count.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Just to play devils advocate. How do you cover the outside corner of the plate when you have her choke up? I call pitches and I will tell you what she is going to get a drop curve. Just a suggestion read Bouldersdads old comments about contact mode. Same thing your trying to teach but a better method. It is something that we learned from Bustos with two strike count.

You might be reading ''than'' as ''then'' in his post.

I'd rather see a girl go after the ball with an aggressive swing, than choke up on the bat
Nov 3, 2012
You might be reading ''than'' as ''then'' in his post.

I'd rather see a girl go after the ball with an aggressive swing, than choke up on the bat

Coogans Bluff is correct and my written communication was poor. I do not promote choking up on the bat for many reasons. But I do plan to look of some of the older posts by BoulderDads on contact Mode, as that does interest me.

left turn

It's fun being a dad!
Sep 20, 2011
Very interesting twist to the end of the year. After our season, I ended I sent out the statistics to each of the parents with their DD’s stats, average team stats and the difference between the two.

One of the parents really got upset. Their DD’s batting average was half of what they had tracked and her ERA was higher than what they thought. I had the batting average under .200 and they had it at over .300. I would have to add every error and fielder’s choice and some of the walks to get her average over .300. The parents are smart, professional people. But they always have their antennae out for any perceived slight against their DD. They can’t possibly be following any systematic scoring system.

I follow the NCAA softball scoring rules and often refer to them to make sure I am getting it right (or as right as I can make it).

The parents asked for a game-by-game box score for all of the games. Certainly they will closely review. Here’s the thing - since they already are coming from the position that they have the right numbers, I think giving them the box scores will just fan the flames. I don’t see how that ends well. On the other side if I don’t send the box scores, they will probably assume we have something to hide. Regardless, I think I have to send the data and deal with their arguments.

If we had issued stats weekly, I could see us having to do battle at throughout the season.

For the teams that send out weekly or after each tournament, how do you deal with parents that are angry about the stats?


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Very interesting twist to the end of the year. After our season, I ended I sent out the statistics to each of the parents with their DD’s stats, average team stats and the difference between the two.

One of the parents really got upset. Their DD’s batting average was half of what they had tracked and her ERA was higher than what they thought. I had the batting average under .200 and they had it at over .300. I would have to add every error and fielder’s choice and some of the walks to get her average over .300. The parents are smart, professional people. But they always have their antennae out for any perceived slight against their DD. They can’t possibly be following any systematic scoring system.

I follow the NCAA softball scoring rules and often refer to them to make sure I am getting it right (or as right as I can make it).

The parents asked for a game-by-game box score for all of the games. Certainly they will closely review. Here’s the thing - since they already are coming from the position that they have the right numbers, I think giving them the box scores will just fan the flames. I don’t see how that ends well. On the other side if I don’t send the box scores, they will probably assume we have something to hide. Regardless, I think I have to send the data and deal with their arguments.

If we had issued stats weekly, I could see us having to do battle at throughout the season.

For the teams that send out weekly or after each tournament, how do you deal with parents that are angry about the stats?

Send them the box scores, suggest that she practice more, and then enter the eyewitness protection program.

IMO, stats and box scores are non-negotiable.
Jul 10, 2013
As a HC please keep posting your batting avg. so I know who is hitting and who is not . I love to be able to get this information when we play a team.
We don't use batting avg. we use "quality at bats" and no they are not posted,
Jan 24, 2011
I post all of our stats on a weekly basis. I have done it for the past 3 years. For the most part , I haven't had anyone dispute or question them. A couple of times , I had a parent ask if maybe I had missed an at bat or hit when I was entering the stats (which I did and corrected it). I have also been able to avoid that "my DD is hitting better than player x" conversation. It is all there for them to see

left turn

It's fun being a dad!
Sep 20, 2011
As a HC please keep posting your batting avg. so I know who is hitting and who is not . I love to be able to get this information when we play a team.
We don't use batting avg. we use "quality at bats" and no they are not posted,

If you are referring to posting the stats on the free-access website, I agree with you. I would only consider sending it out by email. Do you think that is still a problem?

How do you get at "quality at bats"?

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