Play up, down or age level?

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Jul 28, 2015
My DD has been playing 14u. She just finished up her 1st year, she has been playing with a team that is on the verge of falling apart. Now the team that she has loved is moving up to 14u. They would love to have her, she would make a great difference and she loves the girls, coaches, etc. The problem is after this next year she will age up again, and if she plays for them she will be repeating first year 14s again. I know there are girls that have played with 01s that were 00s, nobody batted an eye. Should we consider playing with this team, just moving into 14s? Or should we find a team that is moving into second year 14s???
Mar 11, 2009
There is nothing wrong with playing on a team that has 1st and 2nd year players on it, if the team can compete, get the exposure you are looking for. You said it was the team she loved, so probably a good fit for her with the coaches and other players. It sounds like an easy choice. Now if there are options available that have all 2nd year players and offer the same needs that you guys are looking for and she can move up with them next season then you guys have to weigh the pros and cons of each and go from there. Good luck.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Finding a team you/DD enjoy, even if they only go .500, is better than playing on a team you/DD dislike that goes .800.

If it were me, I'd play with the team moving up to 14u. I'd also put the word out you're looking for a 16u/18u team for next year, giving you some time to shop around. That shouldn't cause any drama within the team, because they know you have to move up next season anyway. You could even "rejoin" ( if you desire ) when they move up to 16/18u.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Some questions:

1) how good is your DD?
2) What are your DD's goals? Does she want to play softball in college?
3) how much is softball a "fun thing to do with friends" vs. "get as good as I can at the game"?

16U softball is much, much more competitive than 14U. Softball is a different game. Catchers throw out base runners all the time, pitchers throw real breaking pitches, there are a few pitchers actually throwing 60+ mph, etc. If your DD wants to play in college, she has to play on a good 16U team as soon as she is good enough to play (not sit the bench) at that level.

The downside of moving up is that you and your DD have to develop a different attitude about softball teammates. The best way to describe is that you and her have to develop a "businesslike" approach. It is like how you interact with your co-workers at a job--you are polite to everyone, and there are a few you like quite a bit, but you never really plan on you co-workers becoming close personal friends.

If her goal is to hang out with friends, play a little softball, and have some fun...then stay at 14U. If she is "good" and she wants to play in college, she moves up to 16U.

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