Pet Peeve thread

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.If I was irritated about all the little things I'd have a heart attack. I can say that because I used to get worked up over everything.
So back on topic-The way this reads China is talking about something you did goingdeep so please elaborate!!


Jun 22, 2008
Calling runs points......

Or going "out of bounds"

Calling it a "pitcher's mound" this isn't baseball!
and if there is a mound in the middle of the field, you may be in the wrong place.

However, if you find a circle drawn in the middle of the infield, that item in the center of that is the "Pitcher's Plate", not a rubber.

Mine is getting the pool play email ( team vs team ) on Wednesday. Setting up my player rotation and then get a revised version email of pool play to "help" a certain team from out of town on Friday night. Then show up to sign in on Saturday morning and yet another version of pool games has been drafted. ( someone drops out or something )

This ^^^^^^ was pretty common for ASA to do around here, got old real quick.

This can be annoying, but what is the other option? Just leave the slot blank and your team gets a forfeit instead of actually playing? Isn't the point of most pool play to actually play? Just askin'
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
This can be annoying, but what is the other option? Just leave the slot blank and your team gets a forfeit instead of actually playing? Isn't the point of most pool play to actually play? Just askin'

Here's the deal. Seemed like every time this happened the original pool version was what we wanted. Maybe a team we had been chasing down, maybe a team we had never played, good competition, maybe the games were close together ( 8:30 and 10:30 ).

Revised version would take away the team we'd been hunting down ( then who knows if you'll get a chance in brackets ), teams we always play ( we went to tourney in OK and played a team in pools we see regularly from TN, and played the first elimination round against a friend of mine's team from MS. Drive 10+ hours and with ALL those teams entered we play 2 that we could have stayed at home and played ) Saving the worst for last, is a huge gap between pool times. Revised would have us the 8am game and a noon or 1pm as our second, my girls and myself hated long gaps in playtime...................and sometimes it would show.

There is no option. What makes me even more angry is over my years of TB I've called One single director at one single tournament to ask if we could change our 8am pool game to a later one. ( 5 of my girls were playing for the sub/state championship basketball title in middle school the night before, I wanted them to get "some rest" ) But I know coaches who always call with special requests, in reality the coaches were looking for the easiest pools ( for seeding ) or they clearly were hiding from better or rival competition. Funny that the other coaches saw a pattern of this, the directors never did.........all they saw was $$$. :)
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Jun 22, 2008
There is no option. What makes me even more angry is over my years of TB I've called One single director at one single tournament to ask if we could change our 8am pool game to a later one. ( 5 of my girls were playing for the sub/state championship basketball title in middle school the night before, I wanted them to get "some rest" ) But I know coaches who always call with special requests, in reality the coaches were looking for the easiest pools ( for seeding ) or they clearly were hiding from better or rival competition. Funny that the other coaches saw a pattern of this, the directors never did.........all they saw was $$$. :)

This is why I'm a firm believer that you DON'T make special allowances for everyone.

I've even seen this at ASA nationals where teams call and want special treatment because they don't want to have to show up until a certain day even though the tournament dates have been posted for 18 months. And then badmouth the folks running the tournament when they don't get their way.

People on all sides of the issue must realize that no one person or organization can be everything to everybody all the time. So you set and publish multiple schedules based upon # of teams and stick with it. The slots can be filled by a blind draw, sequence of entry or whatever "fair" method you elect to use. Have a deadline and stick with it. That doesn't mean you turn teams away at that date, but if you reach capacity of one of your schedules and to accept an additional team means changing existing schedules, you thank the team for their interest and promise to include them in a mailing list for the next opportunity.

I'm sure many think this is a somewhat callous manner to handle teams, but every time you do one team a favor, you force another to adjust to accommodate a favor someone else promised. For every action, there is a reaction and as you have discovered, those are often not positive, nor considerate, to those not on the receiving end of those "favors".
May 7, 2008
People that yell things, that have no idea what they are talking about, is my pet peeve. Things like "She has to slide!" Or they don't know the difference between obstruction and interference, but they are going to yell about it, anyway.
Apr 9, 2012
People that yell things, that have no idea what they are talking about, is my pet peeve. Things like "She has to slide!" Or they don't know the difference between obstruction and interference, but they are going to yell about it, anyway.

Thats not part of the game?? I hear it so much I just assumed it was the norm.....

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