Only being used as a Pinch Runner

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Jan 25, 2022
Hey DFP ?
Got Comments about players being used as only pinch runners?!

Seeing more players on rosters who can hit but apparently aren't able to run for themselves (holy mackerel)
Seeing Pinch Runners used more.

Any thoughts on if you think colleges are going to start targeting picking up super Speedy runners and that's why they get picked up? Don't think I've ever heard of a player in softball that got picked up only for their speed and wasn't used anywhere else on the field.
Hmmm ?

Still it looks like the bottom of the roster is filling in running for their teammates who get to play. Yeah yeah running is being in the game sure....but...?‍♀️

My daughter's HS team scored a lot of runs last year by putting less skilled but faster players in whenever possible. Subbed them in any way possible, and it worked very well. Plus they were happy to be in the game. My daughter isn't fast around the bases, but her hitting has improved a lot so she knows she's gonna get on a lot more. She said "I love running bases, but I know he's gonna sub in someone for me because I run like a headless chicken."
Jun 11, 2012
We had a girl at our HS who was quite possibly the fastest kid I’ve ever seen. In younger age groups she had an unbelievable batting average because she could beat out most bunts/dribbler infield hits. Her freshman year she had great stats but as players matured and got stronger she was no longer a huge threat and she never learned how to hit. She also was a horrible base runner so she started to cost the team outs sophomore year. She quit junior year mid season because the new coach no longer had her bat leadoff and her mother threw a colossal hissy fit. She joined a high level club team that summer and after the first tournament she was pretty much just a pinch runner. Just another example of how relying on only one aspect of the game when you are young can come back and bite you especially when the late bloomers develop.
This kid should have run track, she would have easily broke school records.
May 16, 2016
I don't think colleges can afford to give up the limited amount of scholarships they have available to solely have a speedy pinch runner on the team that can't do anything else. The limited amount of scholarships are too valuable IMO to be used up on such a limited skill. Also, I don't believe many people would enjoy the daily softball grind of high level D1 softball players knowing they will be used in such a limited role.

Even if there was a superb track star within the same college I could see the track coach not being on board with this type of idea in fear of injury to his star athlete on the track team.
May 27, 2013
I don't think colleges can afford to give up the limited amount of scholarships they have available to solely have a speedy pinch runner on the team that can't do anything else. The limited amount of scholarships are too valuable IMO to be used up on such a limited skill. Also, I don't believe many people would enjoy the daily softball grind of high level D1 softball players knowing they will be used in such a limited role.
I’m talking about girls already at the college - so no scholarship money necessary. Some schools actually hold tryouts in the fall and take kids who were fast and maybe played SB in HS but never were recruited. They use them specifically for the PR role and are an asset at practices because then you don’t need to use your starters as baserunners to work defensive drills.
Jan 28, 2017
Definitely happening in our area with high academic kids. Especially if the can run and throw. Switch to the left side and slap. I know 3 kids that are playing because of grades and speed.
Feb 20, 2024
A good pitch runner is a very valuable weapon to have. However, I feel that a lot of club teams aren't teaching their slower runners good base running fundamentals. They don't understand proper angles and turns. They aren't able to read and anticipate pitches that are in the dirt early enough. They get doubled up quite a bit on hard infield line drives. They don't do a very good job of analyzing the defense positioning. The faster runners can do some of this naturally or have the pure speed to erase the fundamental mistakes they do make. A slower runner can still be a good baserunner but they have to work harder at it.
Feb 10, 2018
I’m talking about girls already at the college - so no scholarship money necessary. Some schools actually hold tryouts in the fall and take kids who were fast and maybe played SB in HS but never were recruited. They use them specifically for the PR role and are an asset at practices because then you don’t need to use your starters as baserunners to work defensive drills.
This happened with a girl from our HS. Athletic girl who decided not to play in college and attends University of Washington. She decided to walk on her Sophomore year—this season—and actually made the team! Super cool. Expect that she will have the opportunity to pinch run and enjoys being part of a high-level program.
May 7, 2015
DD is a catcher and gets a courtesy every time she reaches base. I have a couple sets of friends that their DD's are freshmen at upper P5 and mid major and are pinch runners..

I think it is really common
May 13, 2023
DD is a catcher and gets a courtesy every time she reaches base. I have a couple sets of friends that their DD's are freshmen at upper P5 and mid major and are pinch runners..

I think it is really common
Particularly with catchers. How fast is she from home to First?

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