Nutritional Lunch & Snack

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Dec 19, 2012
Peanut butter in celery, apple wedges and peanut butter to dip them in, greek yogurt (we use Chobani). All of these provide protein without a "weighing down" effect. These items hold her over just enough for dinner.
Apr 30, 2011
Portland, Or
Having been a swimmer in HS and College I agree, 10k yards is a lot. close to 6 miles. Athletes working at that level need 4-6k calories a day. From experience protein is good, Carbs are good. Raw sugar (items with high fructose corn syrup) is bad and will actually make you have less energy in the long run.

DD's schedule starts at 6:30 with agility before school, SB Practice after from 3:30 - 6:30. We pack her 2 'Lunches' and a snack to get through. Her mainstays for snacks include protein bars/drinks. Hummus and Naan. Egg whites. and peanut butter on just about anything.
Nov 26, 2010
My oldest is a swimmer in HS, my youngest is the softball player, the swimmer swims 8k-10k yds per day, 6 days a week 46 weeks a year. Some of the items that you're recommending are good however they don't have that much protein in them. Try whey protein shakes, protein bars, they are inexpensive and the energy they will get from them will last a long time. if they can have some sort of pasta every night with their meal that actually will provide them a good foundation for practice the following day. The peanut butter and the nuts are fantastic for them, for the yogurt try adding granola to it. Even though every play in softball is usually short burst of speed they still need the energy later in the game and also in training to sustain the high level of play. By the way 10,000 yards may not sound like a lot but that's 400 laps. They need sustainable energy to do the entire practice. JMO

swimming 10,000 yards sounds like a whole lot. Over 5.5 5 miles if my fast calculation is correct
Jul 26, 2010
I make sure mine makes two sandwiches, one for lunch and one for after school before practice. She's hypoglycemic so I have to make sure she has plenty of snacks stuffed away so she can eat something at least every other hour. Unfortunately that means dried fruit and luna bars often. She loves bananas, but they have more sugar then most cookies.



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Good question and good thread! I like Hummus and pre-cut wedges of Pita and fruit. All the damn schools in our town are NUT FREE so no PB or nuts can go to school. outside of school, the nuts and PB are great!

TJ- are you Rico Petrocelli?
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
Good question and good thread! I like Hummus and pre-cut wedges of Pita and fruit. All the damn schools in our town are NUT FREE so no PB or nuts can go to school. outside of school, the nuts and PB are great!

TJ- are you Rico Petrocelli?

First...I want to thank everyone for their replies...these are all helpful, not just for the softball days, but every day; thanks again. I spoke with my DD today about choosing some good treats to bring to school and she was on board with it all.

second....Obbay....Why do you ask about Rico?

And have you ever been to "THE FOURS" [across from The Garden on Canal St/North Station]


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