Not Allowed to Video my Team???

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Oct 27, 2015
Hi Guys

So during the captain and coaches meeting right before an away game start I was "told" by the opposing coach that I was not allowed to video the game. I asked if she was serious because I was shocked. This is after they watched me set it all up and said nothing. She said she called her league president and decided I couldn't video tonight.

So other then being really pissed as I missed a hitter on my team that was really struggling and she hit her first homerun, I do have a question. Is there any legal right stated anywhere giving me the right to film my players? I am a Canadian but am curious for both Canada and the US and we play in both countries.
Jun 12, 2015
I looked this up for my state (Georgia) and found this.

The legality of public recording is based on the notion of expectation of privacy. Courts have generally upheld that if someone is in public they have no expectation of privacy and can be recorded as long as they are in plain sight and the individual who is recording is also not hidden.

Video recording where there is an expectation of privacy, however, such as in a bathroom, locker room, changing/dressing room, and adult bedroom would be illegal.


Feb 20, 2012
Hi Guys

So during the captain and coaches meeting right before an away game start I was "told" by the opposing coach that I was not allowed to video the game. I asked if she was serious because I was shocked. This is after they watched me set it all up and said nothing. She said she called her league president and decided I couldn't video tonight.

So other then being really pissed as I missed a hitter on my team that was really struggling and she hit her first homerun, I do have a question. Is there any legal right stated anywhere giving me the right to film my players? I am a Canadian but am curious for both Canada and the US and we play in both countries.

I am kind of a sarcastic a-hole, but my response would have been.."here's my cell phone number, have the league president call me and I want a picture or copy of the league rules prohibiting videoing the game. Until that happens, f-off".
Dec 8, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I looked this up for my state (Georgia) and found this.

The legality of public recording is based on the notion of expectation of privacy. Courts have generally upheld that if someone is in public they have no expectation of privacy and can be recorded as long as they are in plain sight and the individual who is recording is also not hidden.

Video recording where there is an expectation of privacy, however, such as in a bathroom, locker room, changing/dressing room, and adult bedroom would be illegal.

Not as easy as that.

Some states have laws that make it illegal to videotape minors without parental consent. Then there are also issues with how the videotape will be used that could push this to an invasion of privacy. It's really a State by State analysis on whether something like this is legal or not.

BTW, I know you're in Georgia. Georgia (and New Jersey) have laws that makes it illegal for anyone other than a parent to videotape minors without parental consent.
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Feb 12, 2014
We had this happen to us a couple of years ago. Thankfully, two of our team's coaches are police officers and know the law. In Ohio, you can video tape in a public setting such as a park which is where we were playing. We asked for the TD which pretty much ended the conversation and the GoPros went up as per usual.
Feb 12, 2014
Not as easy as that.

Some states have laws that make it illegal to videotape minors without parental consent. Then there are also issues with how the videotape will be used that could push this to an invasion of privacy. It's really a State by State analysis on whether something like this is legal or not.

BTW, I know you're in Georgia. Georgia (and New Jersey) have laws that makes it illegal for anyone other than a parent to videotape minors without parental consent.

So does that mean that in those two states no HS football games are taped? Or do both schools have to have permission from the parents on the other team to record?
Mar 29, 2017
I had to sign a permission slip for my DD's to be taped at HS. Not that they are ever, so not entirely sure why I signed it, but that's a different story.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I had to sign a permission slip for my DD's to be taped at HS. Not that they are ever, so not entirely sure why I signed it, but that's a different story.

More than likely what you signed was a release not a permission slip. That way if an image of your DD showed up on a web page, flyer or other marketing material you could not object or seek compensation for the use of her image.

With regard to the OP some critical information that you omitted is the location, and governing association. For example, my DD plays softball in the SEC at public venues with zero expectation of privacy. If you think you are going to set up a video camera and tape the event it will never happen. Same thing would happen if you tried it at an MLB, NFL, or NHL venue.

With regard to laws prohibiting the "taping" of minors, that type of law was taken out of context. There is much more to it as specific conditions must be met for the law to be applicable.
Jun 12, 2015
With regard to laws prohibiting the "taping" of minors, that type of law was taken out of context. There is much more to it as specific conditions must be met for the law to be applicable.

I was wondering about that. I need to dig in a bit on our state laws. I've never had anyone argue about filming, but it's probably only a matter of time.
Mar 29, 2017
More than likely what you signed was a release not a permission slip. That way if an image of your DD showed up on a web page, flyer or other marketing material you could not object or seek compensation for the use of her image.

HC definitely said that they were going to video the players during games for review to show them what they need to work on, errors in games etc. That's as far as it got. Recording never happened.

Sorry to stray off topic.

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