Need Help on IMPROVING my pitching

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Jun 5, 2010
hi there. i just started last year.
i have some problems with my pitching..
1. i cant consistently make my fastball straight. in 10 pitches only 2 or 3 are straight.
2. i cant open my stride too far b'coz my ball will be wild and hit the batter. what i do now is i just open stride like walking
3. i cant time when to release the ball to make it really straight to the catcher.

i hope the forummers can help me.. :D
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
I'll take a stab at helping you, though many here are more qualified and probably better prepared to help.

It sounds like you are having the same problems most new pitchers have and it's nothing that can't be fixed with time and practice.

You want to increase your accuracy. In order to be accurate you have to be consistant in your pitching motion and release point. You need a consisant arm circle, a consistant stride and consistant release point. Did I mention consistancy is important?

I bet you are thinking great, now how do I get consistant.

First work on the arm circle by building it with progressions. Start with T drills from about 15 feet from the plate. Imagine a line running through home plate back to the pitching plate. Stand so that your toes are touching that line as if you have just taken your pitching stride. Both arms out to the side parallel to the the line. The ball in your pitching hand should be facing front, the back of your hand shouldn't be visible to someone standing in front of you. You should look something like a T. Throw the ball to your catcher, net or target focusing on keeping tall, the arm close to the body and releasing in front of the thigh furthest from home plate. Work this drill until you are consistantly throw a strike, focus on the arm path and release point making minor adustments until you are throwing where you want, when you want. Then you can move to the next drill.

Show and Go,
Move back a little to about 25 - 30 feet from the plate. The same set up with the feet. Hands start together in front of you. Your hands come up to the T position, but the ball hand continues up to the top, rotating the ball to show it to the catcher. Catcher should be able to see the back of your hand. From the top reverse the motion full speed and pitch the ball. Again, focusing on arm path and release point. Work this drill again until you are consistantly throwing strikes.

Yikes. 2:30 AM and I have to coach tomorrow. Those 2 drills should give you something to work on. I'll finish the progression up to a full pitch tomorrow.
I wouldn't worry about the stride right now. That will come with comfort and confidence. Once you get your arm circle and release point worked out you can start focusing on lengthing your stride and getting more power out of your leg drive.
Feb 9, 2009
I'm gonna say it before they beat me to it...

Can you post video...that will REALLY help the experts!
Mar 13, 2010
If you do post video, clear it with your parents first. Try not to let us see your face either.

One bit of advice that I gave to one of my pitchers, who really struggles with the release timing, is to kneel so that your leg is bent in front of you. Do the arm circle so that when you hit your leg, you let go of the ball. Its really helped her with getting her timing right.
Mar 13, 2010
Amy from the looks of it she's in Maylasia. I don't know how many pitching coaches would be over there.

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