My first college job offer.

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I wanted to ask my second family on some advice.

Ok, DD's college coach asked/offered me a job. A few weeks ago he said he had a vacancy and needed some help. So naturally I asked, "pitching coach" "Defensive coordinator" "Hitting instructor" "Statistician"
Ok then "bus driver" Hahaha ( and yes I did ask )

They video stream the games, his announcer is moving back west, where he is from. So he asked if I had interest in doing the verbal commentary. It's a paying job, think he said $40 a game, so I'm not going to be able to quit my day job. I sat there for a few seconds and accepted.

Ok, couple of weeks have passed now. My boss got a promotion, and unfortunately they want me to take his place in our office. Which means a raise, but a lot more responsibility. It will cut into my DFP time immensely, and normal daytime softball affairs. Long story short, I have no idea just "how" much time will be involved with my new position. ( I've been really comfy where I've been on the ladder the past 10 years )

So here is my delima. I can probably work all the home games, but the away games are unknown at this time. ( they stream them all ) I was considering asking the coach if my dad could commentary the games I can't make it to. And my dad is no stranger to the coach, they converse quite often at games I'm not even at. Last year my dad found coach 2 BB players for his summer semi pro team. Dad is 70, but he is in great shape mentally/physically and has forgotten more about ball than I'll ever know. They get along like two old friends.

I know coach knows my dad has 2 other grand kids playing D1@D2 baseball. So I don't know if coach thinks it would pressure him if he asked. ( to miss going to some of there games out of state ) I don't know if it would "be my place" to offer dad's services.

Lastly is the steam is pretty sophisticated. It's like a $700 program that can post pics, stats, slow mo replays in real time. My poor dad is not computer savy. Heck even I would have to play with that system for weeks to be able to run it on the fly.

What do you guys think?
Jun 23, 2013
Definitely confirm with him that it's something he'd like to do. No one likes being "volunteered" for something, even if they're being paid for their services.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
It's a paying job, think he said $40 a game, so I'm not going to be able to quit my day job.

You *have* a day job? :rolleyes:

My boss got a promotion, and unfortunately they want me to take his place in our office.


Dad is 70, but he is in great shape mentally/physically...What do you guys think?

I think you are under-estimating your Dad.

My Aunt Sophie will be 100 YOA in October, and she knows how to surf, use google and send email. My Aunt Verlee is a whippersnapper at 82 and she uses the computer about as well as my wife.


Feb 20, 2012
Can't hurt to ask! Worst case scenario the college coach says "no" and then you are off the hook completely and can return to sitting in the stands second guessing every coaching decision like the rest of the "psycho softball parents"....LOL
Jul 16, 2008
First, that is great to even be offered a position. Don't take the video stuff lightly. We have a Single A short Season team in my area that is part of the Giants. Well, a friend of mine runs the video stuff for the team... Wouldn't you know, when the Giants won the World Series guess who got a WS Ring? Yup, even he did!!!!
Jun 24, 2013
Congratulations on your promotion!

I want to know how fast Sluggers Aunt can pitch; we are looking for a pitcher.

Just ask your dad, mine would probably say no but I know he would like the idea.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Go for it! You can always tell the coach that it isn't working out, if you are being spread too thin.

I just hate it came along at the same time as my work "change". I'm trying to have a plan B in place for the team.

Edit: They will stream the pre season games this fall, so it's not like I have until spring for all this.

I think you are under-estimating your Dad.

Haha, I don't underestimate dad on his ability to liven up the commentary and announce a great game. But computers, ugh, bless his heart. Emails, PDF game brackets ( pre made ), tournament web-pages are about the max. Him pulling up and posting Sally's pic/stats while she is at bat.................oh boy. :)

Can't hurt to ask! Worst case scenario the college coach says "no" and then you are off the hook completely and can return to sitting in the stands second guessing every coaching decision like the rest of the "psycho softball parents"....LOL

You know how it is, recommending a "family member" as an employee to anyone. Am I being pushy, will it work out, will they do a good job, with the coach think I'm........... Lol

First, that is great to even be offered a position. Don't take the video stuff lightly.

Yes, that's another problem. Here I am saying dad couldn't figure it out, heck I might not can. I don't want last year to look so good and my year look like a circus act.
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
How's this for your and your Dad's signature HR call. "Its GoingDeep, its GoingDeep, its....GoneDeep!"

For those inevitable rain delays, I envision pre-recorded interviews with FP experts and fanatics. I think I know where there's an endless source of those types!
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
How's this for your and your Dad's signature HR call. "Its GoingDeep, its GoingDeep, its....GoneDeep!"

For those inevitable rain delays, I envision pre-recorded interviews with FP experts and fanatics. I think I know where there's an endless source of those types!

Trust me GM, dad grew up listening to Harry Caray. We've heard every line over the years. My favorite dad still does at the games ""It could be, it might be, It is! A home run!". Lol

You know I could do pre-game with a "special DFP member" each week, via video conference. Or if we travel near a member away, a special guest commentary. Who's first, Perfect Circle? ( where you been )
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