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May 27, 2013
Worry. NO. Facebook are people representing themselves and talking about whatever they want. Is not the same as this anonymous issue and crossing the line.

There are plenty of random fake FB accounts out there that people use on public FB pages as well. Don’t think for one instant that because there is a “real name” and a pic attached to an account that you are actually talking with the person in the pic or the person going by that name unless you know them IRL.
Dec 11, 2010
if my DD had ever told me a provided meal at her college was a frozen hot pocket, the president of the university would have had a visitor meeting forthwith. No excuse is acceptable on that.
I agree. This occurred long before dd was there.

Some things have changed in college sports but that coach/staff are probably still the same people deep down that they have always been.

I hope that makes sense.
Dec 11, 2010
Worry. NO. Facebook are people representing themselves and talking about whatever they want. Is not the same as this anonymous issue and crossing the line. This was not my intent to have to keep reiterating the point I made. But because there is a small group of people on this forum that feel they need to defend their ability to be anonymous keyboard warriors and feel they are going to police the softball community by exposing people by their first and last names. My comment is that could be a horrible scenario if it continues.
Not saying that all travel ball coaches are perfect and are not at fault. But if all travel ball coaches exposed all the issues they deal with families and started reporting those families and players names on this website that would additionally be a horrible scenario if it were allowed.
Equally difficult is the situation of college coaches that do have to answer to some degree of scruples. For the most part college coaches do not go on social media and expose the problems from their players that they have to deal with on a daily basis.
On this forum, obviously people feel protected by their anonymity and don't realize the repercussions they can cause.
For this reason I have never exposed my daughter's names nor who they play for. Nor my daughter who is already in college and what college she plays for. Even though I see there are threads about the D1 team she pitchers for in conversation. Not compelled to talk about the situation at her college on a discussion forum. There are many factors to things that are happening in college programs and I think equally so on travel ball teams. Never would everybody here get the full story and for that reason to the anonymous keyboard warriors, gossip is a two-edged sword.
Bullseye, I wasn’t able to quote the two specific parts of your post that I wanted to respond to, but I wanted to first say that I didn’t feel your position was reasonable until I read this post.

I think I understand where you are coming from now, even if I don’t COMPLETELY agree…

I agree that both tb and college coaches have stories about parents that would probably shock the most jaded among us.

I also completely understand the desire to stay at least somewhat anonymous about our daughters. I have various concerns about making my daughters targets of online baloney. (I also have some additional concerns that occasionally pop up due to my employment)

People who haven’t lived it don’t realize that to some degree all college softball players become public figures and their lives can change because of it. Same with tb coaches. Same with college coaches.

Caution is rightfully indicated imho.
May 27, 2013
Even being anonymous on a message board isn’t being truly anonymous. People have ways to figure out who you are, where else you post, etc., if they truly want to. Anything you post on the internet never truly gets deleted. There are crazy people out there who will lurk and look for anything to use against people, create different personas, etc.

Years ago I belonged to a discussion board where a frequent, trusted poster made up an entirely false persona. She actually used pics she found online of an unsuspecting female and used them to create this false person. She also posted pics of somebody else’s kids pretending they were hers. Eventually, she was figured out and got caught in her lies. People actually found the woman whose pics she was using and contacted the mother of the kids’ pics she was posting.

It was scary how many of us were duped into believing this person was who she pretended to be. However, even behind her anonymity, she was eventually found out.

Just my little PSA for the day. Take it or leave it for what it’s worth.
Jun 8, 2016
Even being anonymous on a message board isn’t being truly anonymous. People have ways to figure out who you are, where else you post, etc., if they truly want to. Anything you post on the internet never truly gets deleted. There are crazy people out there who will lurk and look for anything to use against people, create different personas, etc.

Years ago I belonged to a discussion board where a frequent, trusted poster made up an entirely false persona. She actually used pics she found online of an unsuspecting female and used them to create this false person. She also posted pics of somebody else’s kids pretending they were hers. Eventually, she was figured out and got caught in her lies. People actually found the woman whose pics she was using and contacted the mother of the kids’ pics she was posting.

It was scary how many of us were duped into believing this person was who she pretended to be. However, even behind her anonymity, she was eventually found out.

Just my little PSA for the day. Take it or leave it for what it’s worth.
I am real..I swear. If I was going to make up a fake persona I certainly wouldn't make up this one..
Dec 2, 2013
DD's former TB teammate played for the ETSU's coaches at Chipola. She only lasted a year. @riseball DD played at Chipola for 2 years with huge success before she transferred to SC. His DD might have a different perspective.
Dec 2, 2013
Even being anonymous on a message board isn’t being truly anonymous. People have ways to figure out who you are, where else you post, etc., if they truly want to. Anything you post on the internet never truly gets deleted. There are crazy people out there who will lurk and look for anything to use against people, create different personas, etc.

Years ago I belonged to a discussion board where a frequent, trusted poster made up an entirely false persona. She actually used pics she found online of an unsuspecting female and used them to create this false person. She also posted pics of somebody else’s kids pretending they were hers. Eventually, she was figured out and got caught in her lies. People actually found the woman whose pics she was using and contacted the mother of the kids’ pics she was posting.

It was scary how many of us were duped into believing this person was who she pretended to be. However, even behind her anonymity, she was eventually found out.

Just my little PSA for the day. Take it or leave it for what it’s worth.
Hmmm...sounds familiar for some reason.