HS parents file Title IX suit for unsafe softball field

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May 30, 2013
Binghamton, NY
Is this example a Title IX infraction?

Wealthy Alumnus donates $2mil+ to upgrage the baseball field.
Complete replacement of stands, dugouts, etc. with an all-turf surface.
Also, lights are added to thd Football stadium.

No upgrades are made to the softball field (located at a different school within the disctict)

Softball field was "re-done" about 6 years prior, but is not turf, has temproary OF fencing, minimal dugouts, etc.

I am not griping - our softball facility is perfectly functional. Just maybe not "posh" like the new baseball facility, is all.
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Jun 29, 2013
I hope they win, and get things fixed. This kind of crap goes on everywhere and it's always the same arguments. The time has long since come where this type of disparity shouldn't exist.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
If the Baseball boosters want to spend a million dollars on a baseball field that will have no effect on softball or field hockey or any other girls sport.

Sorry, that is not the law.

Title IX law is a requirement *FOR THE SCHOOL* to maintain equal facilities for men and women. The mandate is directed at the school. If, for whatever reason, the facilities are not equal, then the school has to make them equal.

The exact situation occurred at my alma mater, Southern Illinois University. David Stieb, a former MLB pitcher and SIU grad, gave millions to upgrade the baseball facilities. Title IX required SIU to build similar facilities for the women's softball field.

Donors now build multi-use facilities, such as athletic training facilities.
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Jun 29, 2013
There is a statute in the Ca Government Code that is similar to Title IX that applies to Community Services Districts among others. Don't know about anyone else, but locally the baseball leagues get all the nicer, newer fields while the girls get the complex that was built in the 70's. One these days someone is going to make an issue of this.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Just wanted to point out that the facilities in the OP are not close to be similar or equal. Look at the concrete wall and ledge running around the backstop of the softball diamond. On the boy's field, the entire thing is covered with pads. The fencing is vastly different not only in height but in coverage around the diamond to the dugouts. On the girl's field, that fence in he seating area is not nearly as safe. The distance the dugouts are from the hitter are also questionable. My HS varsity field has a lot more foul territory, has fencing from ground to roof to prevent foul line drives from hitting someone in the dugout ... Look at how the one fence sways in the middle of the video by the one dugout. I'd say that the softball team has a case.
Apr 16, 2010
I do feel the school should take care of each facility in the same manner. The baseball and softball teams should have the same access to cages, lockers, and other amenities. At our school the fields are very similarly designed. We share restrooms and training rooms in a common center building and have locker rooms attached to the home dugouts. We are blessed to have such great facilities. I think out the gate both teams should be given the same opportunities and similar facilities. After that anything other than normal money received from the athletic department I feel funds raised for an individual program should benefit that program.

To me i would not have any issue with our baseball booster club raising money to enclose their cages. If the parents put in the effort to raise the money for their kids good for them. If they are willing to do the fundraisers and work required they deserve the opportunity to do so. I and the other members of our softball booster club and parents have worked very hard to raise money for our team and I do not think it would be right to have to split the money with another team because their parents did not put in the effort. I would not expect another group to have to give up what they worked for either.

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