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May 27, 2013
So now I’ll comment on my own softball decision. I was recruited to play for a D3 school where the softball program was no joke. One of the top teams in the country at the time. I wanted to be a nurse so the coach told me I needed to change my major if I wanted to play for her program. This left me heartbroken as I loved the game an extraordinary amount. However, I wanted to be able to graduate in four years with a very employable degree so I could move out on my own and start my career and the next chapter of my life.

Do I regret that decision? No - but I do at times wonder “what if?” I think I would have really enjoyed four more years of ball but just not at the expense of my career. I look back over the years and see how far I’ve come and what I’ve done with my life that I don’t think would have happened if I had switched majors to play ball.

Just my 2 cents.

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