How much can applying making a decision do?

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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019

Reflecting on the multiple topics here on discuss fastpitch a lot having to do with different goals, perspectives, and reasons for being involved in softball.
With such a mixture within the softball community,
if there is one root thing we need to accomplish to reach fulfillment for ourselves in the journey with so many choices,
it might be in knowing ourselves well enough to make a decision whom we would like to be/ what we would like to do.

What do the DFP'ers think~
How much can applying making a decision do?

*open to perspectives/ interpretation,
its just a topic ?
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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I will bite.

DD quit SB after HS. She had the grades and ability to play for a smaller school but not the bigger ones. Not that it would have made a difference.

Good for her. She is concentrating on her academic, she loves SB.

It has changed a few time but right now she wants to be a HS teacher, everyone here please say a brief prayer for her.
Jun 8, 2016
It has changed a few time but right now she wants to be a HS teacher, everyone here please say a brief prayer for her.
Good for her. The country needs good teachers who are genuinely interested in helping out young people. I had good Calc and Physics teachers in HS who were big influences on my career path.My father was a HS math teacher and by all indications enjoyed his job. He was also able to spend a lot of time with my siblings and I because of the hours which IMO outweighed the salary issues..
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May 27, 2013
As far as my dd is concerned, I’m glad that I was able to eventually convince myself to take a step back and truly listen to what she really wanted as far as softball and her goals were concerned. I posted something similar on a different thread but it needs to be mentioned again. It is your DD’s journey, not yours. Too many times we parents get caught up in what we think they might want or what others (coaches, other parents, etc) tell us they should want. The only ones who we should be listening to is our DD’s. I’m saying this in regards to those who have DD’s that might be in the middle of or on the verge of the recruiting process.

Sometimes we tend to get blinded by their success in HS and/or travel ball. We realize that they can play at the next level, but is it what they truly want? Do they want softball to be the priority throughout their college career or do they want to fully experience what other things college has to offer? Are they more focused on their career, being able to travel abroad, or obtaining an internship while still being on a team? Are we pushing D1 when D3 (just saying hypothetically) or not playing in college at all would be the better fit based on what “she” wants? Discovering this will help you learn how to support your dd, her goals, and what schools/softball programs she should be considering. It will also create a lot less stress and conflict during the process.

Please take the time to truly listen to them. Pay attention to the subtle signs that can clue you in to what path they are leaning towards. Sometimes all they want to do is please us and are afraid to disappoint us with regards to what they choose to do with softball in the end. They know how much time, money, and effort we (and they) have invested.

ETA: I probably totally misinterpreted the OP, but my decision to take a step back allowed dd to make a choice that will ultimately shape her future career and life.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
As far as my dd is concerned, I’m glad that I was able to eventually convince myself to take a step back and truly listen to what she really wanted as far as softball and her goals were concerned. I posted something similar on a different thread but it needs to be mentioned again. It is your DD’s journey, not yours. Too many times we parents get caught up in what we think they might want or what others (coaches, other parents, etc) tell us they should want.
Really like this @Vertigo !
You mentioned this was upon the age of her decision about recruitment.
Add imo this decision making can start at a much younger age too.
Because it applies to what we will be doing/pursuing. Have younger age goals and long-term goals to make decisions for.

As to perspective or interpretation on this~
I don't think there is any one answer,
Simply because people think differently.
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Apr 20, 2018
Sometimes, I think there is too much pressure to make the big decisions. Life is long and goals/interests can change. The other side of the coin is being a free bird not making any decisions, and this might or might not have negative consequences.
I know a young lady that decided to attend college and had no idea why or what she wanted to do. She had decided waitressing was not going to cut it long term. Two years into college, she decided to major in biology. She was not sure why; thought she might try teaching. Graduated, tried substitute teaching for about 2 months. Decided she did not like teaching at all. Decided to apply to dental school and became a dentist. She literally had zero thoughts of being a dentist until she was 25 years old. Things worked out.
So, a lot of good little decisions can add up.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
This simply could be said that making a decision to stay the course can help reach a destination.

Could also be said that if you don't know where you want to go and you don't plan you certainly could end up somewhere you don't want to be.

Started this post because I recognize there are people who end up in a place in softball where they are not happy with the situation and seem to look at the exterior instead of evaluating the interior before they jumped into the muck of things.

Consider the situation/experience we are in has more to do with our own decisions then it does what other people are doing.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Sometimes, I think there is too much pressure to make the big decisions. Life is long and goals/interests can change. The other side of the coin is being a free bird not making any decisions, and this might or might not have negative consequences.
I know a young lady that decided to attend college and had no idea why or what she wanted to do. She had decided waitressing was not going to cut it long term. Two years into college, she decided to major in biology. She was not sure why; thought she might try teaching. Graduated, tried substitute teaching for about 2 months. Decided she did not like teaching at all. Decided to apply to dental school and became a dentist. She literally had zero thoughts of being a dentist until she was 25 years old. Things worked out.
So, a lot of good little decisions can add up.

Like your example because it shows staying on a course to a goal. Just because there were different things to consider along the way the goal was still the destination.

Even befor college,
My post expressing that we can make decisions early on to help our Journey if we understand who we are/who we want to be and make a decision for that purpose.!

We can make the decision to have a positive mindset.
While we are starting out on the journey.
I am going to be a positive person. In all situations be they tough, I take from that situation a learning experience, which is a positive thing to help me grow.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
@Lobster Birch , all,
Can simply take your cue from
'The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.'

In your own words what do you think of that.

What do you think making a decision can do?
Could be ~ is there a value in making a decision about why/what you are going to do before you start doing it?

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