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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa

Preparing to swing. Griffey and Nomar are preparing the launch position. Your daughter starts to open the stride leg/hip right away and starts swinging as her first move. There is pre swing actions of preparing the launch position.

Your daughter has a very long swing time because there is no preparation, no pre swing actions. She just swings the entire time.
Jun 12, 2019
Based on those clips am I assuming correctly that the left leg forward movement is part of the preparing to swing? If so we have had a couple coaches and teachers stop her from doing that because she has a strong tendency to step forward and out when she "strides", shortening her reach significantly.

She is actually using a 32/22 ghost because initially we thought she just needed a longer bat than the 30/19 she was using previously.
Sep 17, 2009
Here are a couple vids off a machine.

Hi DoodleDad, some real talk here: she's VERY far away from having a good swing. If she's playing on a travel team already and the coach isn't working to improve it, you're going to need to find a good hitting instructor. I believe almost ALL girls can become solid hitters. But the truth is too many spend their early years practicing and burning in a faulty swing when they can and should be spending all that time practicing and burning in proper mechanics.

Take a look at her practice swings in this video, around 15-22 seconds. She has a mental image of a 'swing' as something she does with her arms. Makes sense, right? But in a somewhat complicated and non-intuitive way it is her body -- her legs, hips, core -- that is the 'engine' of delivering the bat to the ball, your arms are pretty much taken out of the process. She needs to understand that and start working with that mental image and on those movements.

There is a ton of content on this site if you want to learn along with her and/or teach her. If that's not your thing, and there's nothing wrong if it's not, get her a good instructor who teaches concepts similar to the videos Eric F posted earlier.

I'd get started with it now, it just gets harder later and she'll eventually fall out of the sport....good luck, and please take this as advice and not criticism.
Jun 8, 2016
Left is preparing to swing (everything before launch). Different players do it differently but it needs to be there.



Oct 2, 2017
Something, that to me is the #1 most important thing to ingrain in your DD for hitting that I learned here is sequence. Last couple session with DD after looking back through video, she was having bad bat drag all of a sudden. That was because of sequence. Yesterday I had her focus strictly on sequence and it corrected the issue. Sequence, Sequence, Sequence. All the little nuance adjustments will mean little if sequence in the swing is not established. Not only for her to make adjustments but also for you. If you don't understand the sequence then you cannot make the proper adjustments needed to improve the swing.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa

Yes you can look at the clips you posted as preparing to swing. It doesn't include the launch position, the final coil position. What your showing is starting early, preparing and then finish off the stretch (create separation).
Jun 8, 2016
The drill shown in the Stone video is a good start. You can then perhaps add in a "Happy Gilmore" drill as shown below
(trying to copy the movements as close as you can)

Your DD's swing needs to be more athletic for a lack of a better term. Any athletic movement, such as swinging a bat, has a phase where the body is made ready to deliver the movement with as much power/quickness as possible.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
The drill shown in the Stone video is a good start. You can then perhaps add in a "Happy Gilmore" drill as shown below
(trying to copy the movements as close as you can)

Your DD's swing needs to be more athletic for a lack of a better term. Any athletic movement, such as swinging a bat has a phase where the body is made ready to deliver the movement with as much power/quickness as possible.

Yeah I think this drill can help tremendously with preparation to swing and swinging.

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