GameChanger App

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Dec 8, 2013
I have looked into scoring with IScore as well. I think our parents and fans would like it better also being they wouldn't have to pay to see stats and reply game. Only thing, we score with two Ipads sometimes (not at the same time) and syncing them can be challenging.
If anyone has any tips with Iscore please reply
I have used both IScore and GameChanger for less than 1 year. I am currently using GameChanger as it is much easier to keep up during a game. However, I prefer the stats generated by IScore over GameChanger hands down.

To answer your question, IScore allows you to sync through multiple devices via Bluetooth. You set one to broadcast and the other to receive:

iScore Baseball | FAQ - How do I Share Data with Other Devices? | iScore Sports
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Dec 2, 2012
Just started using the GC app this weekend with our team. We all like it. Produces alot of info and something to study once getting back to the hotel. My question is... Can you add Tournament as a league so you can go and look at the stats of the girls for a certain weekend. Say we play 5 weekends and you want to go back and look at the 2nd weekend alone and see what our girl did. Or does it just tally up for the whole year?
Love to group them as weekend tournaments and all year as well.


This is one of the clear advantages iScore has over gamechanger. The "league" concept in iscore is actually a user defined grouping system that allows the scorer to establish as many groups as he/she desires and assign games to those groups. For example, I track pool and bracket games, each individual tournament as well as season, indoor and outdoor, exposure and qualifier, etc. We play a combination of 16A and 18A, so grouping those makes sense to see how each team member performs in each. One thing we found is several girls performed much better statistically in bracket games when the games "matter", which presented a great coaching opportunity.

The system allows these "leagues" to be established, modified or deleted at anytime before or after the games are played. As an example, I keep all the individual tournaments as individual "leagues" during the season, but then delete those groups/leagues and keep only the entire season as a group after the season concludes. If for some reason we wanted to go back and review stats for a given tournament later, a temporary league could be setup and those games assigned to that league.

Bottom line is iscore designed a very robust and simple to use data system designed around the "league" or grouping concept.
Apr 5, 2009
NE Kansas
^^^^ That is exactly how we do it. Works great. And you can have your scoring guidelines set to advanced or basic depending on your comfort level.

I think GC's stat formatting is better looking but that is all.
Dec 2, 2012
Does this app work on android too or just apple?

The iScore app is available in iOS and android versions. Gamechanger discontinued their android support as of 1/1/2014. Fans can view the iScoreCast using any browser. I believe Gamechanger broadcasts must be viewed from a downloadable app. The latter is done because that is part of the Gamechanger revenue model. Fans (or their team on the fans behalf) must pay to view the live game broadcasts, so the app helps them control access.

David Hayes

double nickel
Aug 13, 2012
This is the main reason I changed to iScore, you can look at up to game stats without having to sync with the server plus you can look at stats for a range of days. This year they even made it so you can start new seasons with each team, which is useful for keeping both school ball stats and travel stats. You can look at a players combined stats too.

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