Dusty cleat diaries: umpired my 1st game ever

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Feb 3, 2011
Because of a scheduling mix-up, our fields were 1 umpire short for the afternoon session, so the duty umpire asked whether I'd do the 10u game. I donned a mask and chest protector and was ready for action. Unfortunately, though, taking on this task meant I'd be unable to watch Mojo pitch in her 1st 12u game, as she was filling in on the other field to help out a team that had no pitcher at all.

There were several walks issued in my game, which is to be expected in 10u, of course, but a couple of the batted balls did produce a little angst among the crowd. There were 2 bang-bang plays at 1B and there was also a play at 1B where F3 was transferring the ball from her hand to her glove as the BR reached base. It was a clear out, but there were those parents who felt the ball was supposed to be in her glove. In another case, F3 fielded a ball with her throwing hand while her foot was on 1B and then after the out was recorded, she dropped the ball and there were the obligatory shouts about the ball having been dropped. Oh, brother.

And then there was the LBR violation. I haven't seen it called in rec that often, but in this case, it was too egregious to let go. It wasn't that the player and her 3B coach didn't know the rule, it was that they were trying to bait the P into a throw. After the player was called out, the coach asked for time to question the ruling. He said that the pitcher had looked at 1B. I agreed with what he saw, but said that no play had been made or attempted. I looked at his runner for at least 4-5 seconds before calling her out. Between innings, a dad came over and politely asked me to explain the rule to him. A few seconds later, he had an understanding of what the runner's responsibility and liability is.

Oh, and lastly, the duststorm. A small twister came out of nowhere, destroyed 3 pop-ups, and threatened to blow them over the fence and onto the field. We got all the girls turned around and moved away from the fence, and thankfully, no large debris flew onto the field.

All-in-all, it was a cool experience, but I definitely have a much deeper respect now for our young umpires given how much they have to keep track of on any given play. Here's to them!
After I finish my school season I usually Ump a dozen or so games in our Rec league.
It is very beneficial to me as coach to understanding the rules and mechanics.
It makes me more understanding and patient when it comes to those "bang-bang" plays. The biggest benefit is helping me know how to argue a call when I have the need.
I think every coach should ump from time to time.
Jun 22, 2008
Good job calling the LBR. That has been one of my pet peeves in the rec league I have been helping coach in. I have yet to see a single LBR called and we have some teams that are purposely haivng runners just stand off the base trying to bait the pitchers into throwing the ball.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Good job calling the LBR. That has been one of my pet peeves in the rec league I have been helping coach in. I have yet to see a single LBR called and we have some teams that are purposely haivng runners just stand off the base trying to bait the pitchers into throwing the ball.

Easy way to fix that - tell the umpire(s) that there is an unidentified umpire instructor in the crowd that will be watching them and keeping track of obvious rules violations that are not enforced, which will result in reduced game fees. After that, you'll never see another obstruction missed! :rolleyes:
Jun 22, 2008
Easy way to fix that - tell the umpire(s) that there is an unidentified umpire instructor in the crowd that will be watching them and keeping track of obvious rules violations that are not enforced, which will result in reduced game fees. After that, you'll never see another obstruction missed! :rolleyes:

Ya, that wont happen. His assignor was present one night when I got into it with him over a non call on a LB violation that ended up scoring a run. I didnt know she was present at the time, but found out afterward when I was approached by her and the league VP. Basically I was informed the league had decided they were going to allow the umpires to make calls based on their descretion since this was just a rec league. My response was, "so in other words were are playing under 10 different super top secret rules sets that are known to no one other than the individual umpires?" I went on to ask her how were we ever going to teach the girls to play ball correctly if the umpires were not calling the rules by the rule book. She told me that was only my opinion and the league had the right to allow the umpires to call the games the way they wanted. I must have gotten my point accross a little, that particular umpire has not been assigned to any of our games since and for the most part the ones we have had since have been better.
Apr 13, 2013
Our umpire did not show up for our 12U Rec. game so someone umped the game for us. They called our runner out at 2nd for leaving early.

I hate when the umpires doesn’t know our super-secret, undocumented, rules. :)

Good for you for calling the LBR violation, I get a smile on my face when I think of the mess this would cause in DD’s game.
Jun 20, 2012
My response was, "so in other words were are playing under 10 different super top secret rules sets that are known to no one other than the individual umpires?"

This. A million times, this. In a recent game, the opposing pitcher would take her position on the pitcher's plate with ball, glove, and hand already touching, she would take the signal, glove and hand with ball would separate, swing back, swing forward, touch again, swing back, swing forward, touch again, swing back, swing forward and around and complete the pitch. While the umpire was cleaning home plate I asked him if, in his judgement, her pitching motion constituted an illegal pitch. He replied that it does but that he doesn't call IP in 12u. Ugh. And he's the UIC for the league. Double ugh.

Another umpire, during pre-game managers/umpire meeting, told us he would be calling strikes on any batter that moved out of the batter's box during a pitch, regardless if the pitch was in or out of the strike zone. When I asked where in the rulebook did it say this was a rule violation and where did it prescribe a strike as a penalty, he said that is what he calls and he doesn't need the rulebook for that.

It's a miracle I didn't have a brain aneurysm this season.

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