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May 17, 2012
I am curious how you ended up on such a poorly managed 12U team.

I tell my daughter that not only is she trying out for a team, that team is trying out for her. We talk to players, parents and other coaches so we can determine if it will be a good fit.

After we commit, we are in for the duration of the commitment.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Next year's path is pretty clear. I'm all about doing what's best for my children and putting them in a position to try to achieve their potential and be successful. IMO, there's a bigger life lesson to be learned by keeping your commitment and not leaving/causing a team to fold mid-season than jumping ship to play for a better team for one season. Seems like some here have no problem rationalizing this, but I want my kids to understand that a commitment, whether it be to a team, a group, or a spouse, shouldn't be carelessly made or broken. If your DDs make it known that they are available as pick up players when their other team isn't playing, it will help you and them to gain some valuable eperience and better aid in identifying and assessing future options so that next season will be a much more positive softball experience.
Jan 27, 2010
I'm guessing what was told to you by the coaches is not what you are currently receiving from the team. I would go to the coach and explain your dissatisfaction with the commitment, give him a time frame to demonstrate improvement or. He may make the decision for you or if losing your kids is that much of a loss he may light a fire under the other players and parents. I think you made a commitment but that goes both ways. Give him a chance to uphold his.
Aug 29, 2012
IMO, you need to ask yourself why your girls are playing TB. Are they playing to win hardware? Or, are they playing to develop their skills. At 12U I thinks it more important to develop skills vs winning (this coming from someone that hates losing). Also, will your DD pitch as much on the 14U team as she is now? Every time your DD faces an opposing batter it's a plus for her development. Even if her team is making errors behing her its helping her long term. It develops mental toughness and if there's an error she gets to face another batter. Also, now that 14U is pitching from 43' it's more difficult to transition at that age. Ultimately, you have to do what you and your DD's feel is right for them. It's not always easy finding the right path to follow. Good luck!
Jan 25, 2011
Sorry for this up front. 11yo mid 50s? She would be the rare case then. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I think your radar gun is broke.
Feb 21, 2013
Understand the doubt, but Yes she is now in the mid 50's. Her pitching coach states she is a rare case and should be hitting 60 by the time she starts HS. She has been radared using different guns. She has faced many HS girls in scrimmages and they are stunned by her pitching. She strikes many of them out just with her change up (which happens to drop to mid-upper 30's). We've worked hard over the past 2 years on correct mechanics in order for her to have the appropriate wrist snap, leg push (she pushes usually almost over the circle line)
Nov 29, 2009
You say half the team is not showing up for practice. Are they playing school sports? I've made it a policy of mine to not schedule practice times when I know most of the school or religious events take place. I usually have a full team or close to a full team at my practices.

If it's indifference on the part of the other players and coaches then I say it's time to move and place your daughters at the competition level they need to be. It's better they struggle trying to keep up rather than dominate with a less than maximum effort on their parts.

As for the current team. I agree with the previous advice to have a talk with the coach and let him know your feelings about your observations regarding the team. If you don't get the answers you need or you feel like you're getting a line of bull then it's time to leave. Your daughter's will find girl are girls now matter what team they're on. They will make new friends.
Aug 14, 2011
I also say you have to do what's best for your kids. We delayed changing teams a couple of times over the years out of guilt and it probably hurt us in the long run. However, we never quit mid-season. Honor commitments, but the agreement you made with your current team was surely under the assumption that the team would show up and practice/play. That's not happening. It's early still and the season isn't really up and running. I would probably move on, but the quicker the better. Even at your daughters' ages, if they are good and want to seriously improve with thoughts of playing college ball, it is not too early to think about that. Play with the best level of ball that you can.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I'm with everyone else...there is no point in keeping them on the 12U team. It is time for your DDs to move on. Your DD isn't learning anything.

As to the other girls...it is still relatively early. They can probably find another team.

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