Dedicated Work Horse Moments

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Dec 13, 2019
An awesome moment inspired this thread.

While tossing pitch locations to a 18u player, the time on an intense hitting session had just expired...and the bucket was empty.
I said
" If you like go ahead and pick up 10 more balls,
I'll throw meat pitches to finish with."
Student said
"I'll pick up the softballs, but can i have more pitch locations? I like the challenge better!"

We threw/hit an entire bucket more 25.
Crushing pitch locations and as usual pitches mixed out of the zone too :)

Share your work horse moments!!!

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Apr 25, 2019
Let me first start by saying that normally I would HATE a situation like what happened this weekend. My DD is a 12u catcher and I always love when the coaches pull my daughter for a rest when we have an easy game or a big lead. It makes me cringe when my DD catches multiple games in a row and more than 3 per day. That being said.....

This weekend, my DD caught 2 games on Friday, 2 games on Saturday, and 7 games on Sunday!!! We got knocked into the loser's bracket late on Saturday and in order to make it back to the championship we knew it was going to be 8 games back to back to back, so on. We came up just a bit short and lost the 3rd place game but 3rd place out of 33 teams isn't bad at all. My DD is our primary catcher. The #2 catcher has a broken hand because she took a weird catch on a pre-inning throwdown from my DD. Our #3 catcher had a family member with suspected Covid-19 so she was not allow to play until cleared by a doctor. So we were pretty stuck. However, my daughter was the work horse this weekend. Lots of water, lots of small meals between games, no goofing off when she wasn't batting, etc. Coaches and parents alike were constantly checking in on her to make sure that she was good. She ended the weekend with only 1 wild pitch that got by her and scored a run. It only did that because the ball hit the front of the plate and bounced straight over her head. She threw out over a half a dozen girls at 2nd, 1 at third, and several pick offs. We didn't got home until 1:15 am Monday morning and needless to say, she slept past noon. All of this was done in 90 degree heat. I was nervous the whole time but she was a trooper.
May 22, 2015
My DD has been on a different level than most girls her age in regards to the work she puts in. Being undersized she understood early on that she had to work harder than most girls just to compete. Anyhow.... a few weeks ago at practice she fractured her wrist diving for a ball. This was on a Wednesday. I got home from work on that Friday and she’s in the basement dripping in sweat. She decided she sat around long enough and did a bunch of plyo stuff, box jumps, sit ups, and some Wasserman drills. Pretty amazing dedication for a 16 year old.

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