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May 24, 2013
So Cal
we were watching Happy Gilmore the other night and there is a scene at the beginning where he goes to the batting cage to toughen up by taking balls in the chest. As the camera pans to the cage there is a boy swinging at a ball with hideous mechanics....the girls mocked him and I rewound to view it in slo just rolled her eyes and faded to a place where I think she pictured former boyfriends and wondered why she didn't marry them instead and whether or not they would have sired more normal daughters that did not think farts were a form of humor.

There is nothing about this ^^^ that seems odd to me. My DDs have winced at the swings of TV/movie "pro ballplayers" more times than I can remember. DW is even starting to get in on the action of pointing out terrible swings.
Jun 12, 2015
we were watching Happy Gilmore the other night and there is a scene at the beginning where he goes to the batting cage to toughen up by taking balls in the chest. As the camera pans to the cage there is a boy swinging at a ball with hideous mechanics....the girls mocked him and I rewound to view it in slo just rolled her eyes and faded to a place where I think she pictured former boyfriends and wondered why she didn't marry them instead and whether or not they would have sired more normal daughters that did not think farts were a form of humor.

As a woman, I feel greatly outnumbered here. My husband's really into softball too (just not really into message boards) but sometimes I think he wishes I could chill out a bit. I can't though, it's not in my nature. Oh well.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
As a woman, I feel greatly outnumbered here. My husband's really into softball too (just not really into message boards) but sometimes I think he wishes I could chill out a bit. I can't though, it's not in my nature. Oh well.

Softball fanaticism knows no gender barriers! It's an equal opportunity sickness.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Authenticity is important, because lack of authenticity can damage a movie for those who really know a sport or game. I haven't seen the movie "Creed", but they claim the fight scenes are done much better than the earlier Rocky movies. Interesting, because the early Rocky movies were made at a time when boxing had much wider popularity.

The original Longest Yard had the benefit of Burt Reynolds having been a D-1 QB.

One interesting thing: I used to play a lot of backgammon, and some chess, in Washington Square Park in NYC. One time they shot a movie there about chess in Washington Square Park. Some of my chess playing friends were hired as extras, and got really good money. The point is, in the background, there would often be people playing speed chess. They wanted the speed chess to be authentic Washington Square Park speed chess, so they hired guys who played speed chess in Washington Square Park to sit around all day every day playing speed chess. 100% authentic.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Authenticity is important, because lack of authenticity can damage a movie for those who really know a sport or game. I haven't seen the movie "Creed", but they claim the fight scenes are done much better than the earlier Rocky movies. Interesting, because the early Rocky movies were made at a time when boxing had much wider popularity.

The original Longest Yard had the benefit of Burt Reynolds having been a D-1 QB.

One interesting thing: I used to play a lot of backgammon, and some chess, in Washington Square Park in NYC. One time they shot a movie there about chess in Washington Square Park. Some of my chess playing friends were hired as extras, and got really good money. The point is, in the background, there would often be people playing speed chess. They wanted the speed chess to be authentic Washington Square Park speed chess, so they hired guys who played speed chess in Washington Square Park to sit around all day every day playing speed chess. 100% authentic.

Yep. Lack of reasonable authenticity for things I'm familiar with can make or break a show/movie for me. For example, I'm a musician, and have spent time performing and recording. The show "Nashville" gets a lot of credit in my book because they portray the details of playing, performing, and recording authentically. Details like using the correct microphone for the correct application is something that I see immediately, but is something that isn't noticed by a large majority of the viewing public. It makes me wince when I see it done wrong - like a crappy swing by a "MLB player". Seeing a Shure SM58 with a dented screen used as a live vocal mic in a small club is spot-on perfect, and something that "Nashville" always gets right.
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May 24, 2013
So Cal
You can excuse Finn's poor technique. He's just doing what everyone does when they first pick up a bat - swing the arms. Looks like Rey had training though. No excuse for her and Ren.

Apparently, this veteran Jedi doesn't think much of their technique, either...

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