Coaching in a small town

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Feb 3, 2011
A couple of weeks ago, my daughter's middle school played their crosstown rivals in basketball. Between the 2 games (7th & 8th grades) that evening, I got to see 10 of my former players, both basketball and softball, on the same court. In the 7th grade game, there was even a point at which there were 6 of them on the court at the same time. I'll confess to beaming like a proud papa, having watched many of these girls grow up together from the time they were in t-ball.

Later that same week, her softball team played the local travel team in an evening friendly. One of her all-star teammates is the star of her basketball team, so following that day's bball game, they each had to switch jerseys and face off against one another a couple hours later. That night, 6 of those former all-stars were on the field together, 2 on her current team, 4 on the local team. What an evening!

And then last night, the basketball team capped off an awesome 16-0 season with an incredible come-from-behind victory in overtime of the league championship. I absolutely love the life *I* have been given, even though I rarely deserve it.

ps - please don't close my thread
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
You get some of this in bigger towns. Like the times when I would drive DD#1 from a volleyball game to a softball game and a lot of girls were in both games.

Or DD #2 and her friend went with us to drop DD #3 at softball practice. It turns out the softball coach was DD2s friends hockey coach and the same guy had been her brothers soccer coach.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
That's a great story, MD. Always fun to see the kids you know playing with and against each other.

I remember one time when my son Eric was playing both AYSO and travel soccer. He and another kid on the other team went at it head-to-head in the AYSO game, playing hard. Then they changed jerseys and ran to a travel game where they were teammates, laughing all the way. It was probably tougher on the other kid's dad because he was both boys' travel coach, and he liked Eric a lot.

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