Coaching Demonstrations that didn't quite work...

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Nov 6, 2013
Baja, AZ
I once got caught up explaining swing mechanics from behind a pitching machine. In retrospect I'm sure the kid couldn't hear me over the whir. Karma heard me though, I got my shorts caught on the pitching machine wheel, ripped them right off. Not my proudest moment, but I gained a new found appreciation for boxer briefs.


A couple of years ago my DW was managing a 12U rec team for DDs team. She was the Safety Coordinator on the Board for the league. She asked me to set up the Jugs machine in the cage because the HC or AC was not there yet. I had girls doing tee, soft toss, and sand ball front-toss stations around the cage. I dialed in the Jugs to about 50 mph (on the dial) and asked her "don't feed any balls yet and help me pick up the balls." I bent down broadside to pick up a ball about 15 feet in front of the Jugs and WHAM, I took one to the temple/cheekbone. Knocked my shades off and I backpedaled spewing a string of profanities that included WTF*&% are you doing!!!??

DW was scared but everyone (including a couple onlooking parents) was laughing when they know I wasn't hurt. I picked up my shades, gathered my wits, and issued a sincere apology to the girls and their parents for my foul language. All were very understanding and assured me no apology was necessary. But I felt so because girls heard it.

When I told my brother about it later that night, he said "you know that wasn't an accident by your DW."
Oct 10, 2013
0 daughter's varsity hc did that this yr in the gym. She couldn't laugh because she was a freshman. ..but when she told me the story on the way home, she was crying from laughing so hard.
Mar 1, 2013
A couple of years ago my DW was managing a 12U rec team for DDs team. She was the Safety Coordinator on the Board for the league. She asked me to set up the Jugs machine in the cage because the HC or AC was not there yet. I had girls doing tee, soft toss, and sand ball front-toss stations around the cage. I dialed in the Jugs to about 50 mph (on the dial) and asked her "don't feed any balls yet and help me pick up the balls." I bent down broadside to pick up a ball about 15 feet in front of the Jugs and WHAM, I took one to the temple/cheekbone. Knocked my shades off and I backpedaled spewing a string of profanities that included WTF*&% are you doing!!!??

DW was scared but everyone (including a couple onlooking parents) was laughing when they know I wasn't hurt. I picked up my shades, gathered my wits, and issued a sincere apology to the girls and their parents for my foul language. All were very understanding and assured me no apology was necessary. But I felt so because girls heard it.

When I told my brother about it later that night, he said "you know that wasn't an accident by your DW."

Along those lines, when my youngest was first playing community 8U, there was a clinic the local league held and each of us had to take a station. I was on the tee/net setup doing the basics of the stance, swing, etc. My own daughter's turn comes up and she's been watching and I've worked with her before, so she knows what to do. I give her the same talk and pointers we gave everyone else and then, as I was placing the ball on the tee and saying, "Now wait until I'm out of the...." I got slugged in the ribs by my overanxious daughter's bat. Cracked two. Hurt like hell for weeks.
Jun 20, 2012
Ok, show and tell time: 12u infield practice, I was playing the role of a runner on 1B, ground ball to strong-armed F6, throw to short F4 covering 2B missed a bit high, and found my head. Here are the results: 325371_10100471507372275_970155440_o.jpg

My eyebrow conceals the scar nicely.
Jun 20, 2012
Just curious CPEM, what was your reaction at that moment? Verbally and physically?

I knew I was hit, and it hurt really bad. I saw an explosion of stars. I continued on past the base into short center field where I laid down and put my arm over my head. I played football in high school and rugby in college, and that was possibly maybe only the 2nd or 3rd time I really saw stars, so I wasn't in any rush to get back up. Didn't say much besides "OW" and some laughing as I tried to gain some composure. The girls quickly surrounded me asking if I was ok. I didn't think I was cut so I pulled my arm away and all the girls shrieked in horror as if my brains were coming out of my forehead. Beyond that, no other verbal or physical reaction much really. I knew I had to laugh it off so that the girls wouldn't feel bad. We finished practice, and I went home and the wife put some butterfly bandages on to close the wound, then some gauze, and taped it up. I had an egg-sized bump on my forehead for several days (you could see it forming in the picture above). I probably should have gotten it stitched up, but I was too macho for that. I have a slight scar, but you really have to look for it in the forest of my eyebrow. There's nothing soft about the ball.
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Oct 25, 2009
At the end of practice one day a player approached me about a hitting issue. Everyone was leaving so I didn't want to go back out in the field so I had the player stand at home plate facing the backstop. I was front tossing tennis balls to her and she was hitting with a whiffle ball bat. No problem.

Her swings started looking pretty good and for whatever reason I had her pick up my '04 Rocket Tech (bat kind wouldn't have mattered anyway). First pitch, I saw the bat make contact with the ball but I never saw it after that. Results, broken nose, little over $7,000 medical expenses after all the scans and optometrist, who said if I hadn't been wearing glasses I probably would have lost my left eye.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Anyone who got a shot in the family jewels while helping their DD learn how to hit, please raise their hands...starting with me first.

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