Catcher obstruction question

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Oct 22, 2019
Bases loaded, ground ball hit toward pitcher -
If catcher is standing on the plate anticipating the ball to be thrown to her for a play at the plate - which it was- is this considered obstruction or no?

Oct 22, 2019
Right - but if bunted back to the pitcher (and bases are loaded) why aren’t they extending towards the pitcher to receive the ball with their right foot just touching the top of the plate? They can then pop off the plate quickly and possibly get the runner at 1B as well. No tag is needed. Just an odd set up IMHO for a force play.
I agree!
May 29, 2015
So to clarify, picture 3, assume no ball yet, leading edge of the plate is exposed, but foot on middle of plate would still constitute obstruction?

I suppose I should have said "potentially" not definitely. I did not consider a force play at the plate, I assumed the runner was rounding third and coming home. (EDIT: Apparently I was lazy and sped through the OP since they did specify that right up front. That one is on me.)

Providing the "leading edge" but covering up everything behind it could still be obstruction. If you are forcing the runner to slide to avoid hitting you, then I have the potential for obstruction. Runner rounds third, has no intention of sliding because they don't think it is close, but sees the catcher standing on the plate. Is the runner plowing through the catcher or is she being forced to change her play? You are forcing that runner to check up and go for the front edge only, instead of the allowed action of sliding through. Obstruction.

Same thing with first basemen who straddle the base in baseball. If the runner is diving in, there is likely no issue. If the runner is coming back standing up, you did not leave them an unimpeded path.

While we require contact with the base to be safe, the person's body still needs the "air space" over the base when coming in.
Last edited:
Apr 14, 2022
Did the runner slow down because of the catcher?
If yes Did the catcher not have the ball before the runner was impeded?

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