Batting tee

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Jan 20, 2016
I noticed in some of the videos on here that the girls put there feet together and then explode into there stride while hitting the ball. Could this be used for 8U girls? Also I noticed some the threads mention not using "squish the bug" which is what we teach our girls. Am I teaching them bad habits?

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Jan 20, 2016
What should I be teaching instead of squish the bug? I am in my 3rd year of coaching softball and next year I will be taking my own team so I want to make sure I am teaching these girls the proper mechanics.

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witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
What should I be teaching instead of squish the bug? I am in my 3rd year of coaching softball and next year I will be taking my own team so I want to make sure I am teaching these girls the proper mechanics.

Oh man, just when I think it's getting all crazy over on the pitching forum . . . I get to use this twice in one week!
I'm not the one to tell you how to do it - but I can tell you that I've been on DFP about a year now, and I'm still not brave enough to actually become active in the hitting forum. I just wouldn't mention any more quish-say the ug-bay, if you get my drift?

im just here for the comments.jpg
Feb 7, 2013
The problem with teaching "squish the bug" is it promotes spinning on the back foot with lots of weight pushing down instead of against a firm front-side. IMO, you want the player to start with a balance stance and during the swing the hips will naturally turn the back foot unto the ball of the foot with very little weight on the back side (i.e. a no teach). With younger, inexperienced batters, they tend to swing with all upper body, so I see where good intentioned coaches preach "squish the bug" but it is not a term that I would use to get them to use the hips during the swing. Just my .02.
Jan 20, 2016
Lol got it. This is why I joined to get dialed in and coach my girls the right way

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witty softball quote
Sep 11, 2014
Pacific NW
Oh and because I'm sure, like the rest of us, you have nothing better to do than watch softball stuff and read softball stuff and talk to softball people: I will give you an easy link to one of my personal favorites:

Then when you've had enough at the HOS, head into the real stickies in the hitting area and you'll achieve instant enlightenment. Ok, that last part is a stretch - but you'll really learn some cool stuff. :)
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Hitting, throwing, and pitching all have the same common principles. They create energy with a stride, they stabilize the front side in order to amplify and redirect the energy up through the body and out the arm or bat.....none of these movements can be done with power if the body weight stays on the back side and spins. Squishing the bug will absolutely destroy her power.
To prove this theory, try throwing a ball overhand with maxed out effort and see what your back foot does?......lightbulb
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