Another AZ. post, but look at the pitcher and look at the runner.

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Dec 7, 2011
Wouldn't that be considered a crow hop in the photo?

Bowling (in photo) is on my wall of shame of the top 8 illegal pitchers in the Big-D1 community that are allowed to continue effectively unchecked by the incompetent application of rules.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
Bowling (in photo) is on my wall of shame of the top 8 illegal pitchers in the Big-D1 community that are allowed to continue effectively unchecked by the incompetent application of rules.

I agree. Dallas Escobedo is also on the short list.

DD's PC spent years teaching her to not leap, it was tough but she is completely legal. When I see a leaping pitcher, or a crow-hopper like Bowling, it annoys me that her TOP LEVEL COACHES allow it to continue and then get bent out of shape when she is called for it.

Apr 9, 2012
After the letting go of the officials from the 2010 CWS illegal pitch call fest Im betting a closed door conversation happened that resulted in something like "for the good of the game" "or it doesnt sell tickets" was mentioned.

They are following instruction (umpires) and coaches are working under pressure to win meaning if you find an advantage (unpires not calling rule) you have to exploit it. At D1 in a paid job if a coach did not do so he would be unexployed.

So self righteous ideals do not apply in a must win situation. Must win as in coaches must win games and the doard of directors must sell seats and gt softball back in the olympics.

These girls are being allowed to leap hop etc and they know it. As an athlete would you take advantage of every edge you could get. If you say no then I know you have never played at the top level in this day and age.
May 7, 2008
Bowlings mechanics are so bad, that I think she is a good candidate for all kinds of back problems, etc.

I was also trying to figure out, how the runner on first base wouldn't have left early.

Like you say, anything to get an advantage.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
How is she illegal? her drag foot is on the ground- are you anticipating her front foot will come down outside the pitching lane? I have been seeing a lot of that not being called.

I don't know whats going on with that glove arm...

I'm thinking the runner on 1B would just be starting to move when the pitcher is at this point in the windup - so I'm thiking she's leaving early too.
Dec 7, 2011
How is she illegal? her drag foot is on the ground

Before release, if the drag foot ever comes to replant/rest in relationship to the contact point on the dirt, she is a skippy-crow-hopping-illegal pitcher. You need to see Bowling in motion BUT this picture shows a spikes-down replant that really is hard to believe is sliding still.

Once you study the art of pitching you come to the point in the game, like my DD & I, where you can just watch the timing of the windmill and see the "hitch" that always comes along with crow-hopping.

DD & I will watch a new team with a new pitcher and we will see the hitch in the motion and both of us will scream rewind and see the violation. I would bet we are running about 99% on identifying the "skippies" (crow-hoppers) within two pitches. Then we scream at the tv for a couple innings waiting for the opposing coach complaint or an umpire to grow some courage,... but this year it don't happen.

Then we laugh about the intensity that competitive DD & her competitive daddy have in this funny little sport :)

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