A "must have" item for my Northern friends....

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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
That would be great for the coach's box.
We have wrapped the dugout with tarps then blasted heat into the end.

It gets cozy enough that you hate to leave.
Jan 17, 2013
A small Mr. Heater and one of those 5 gal. bucket ACs and your set for summer and winter......for you northern guy who don't know what summer is, its a very hot time of year we have down south. You guys go from Winter into spring back into winter. :)
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Hey, the last time I spent a year in the south, it went straight from fall to spring. Summer went on forever.

Man it can get brutal hot down here. So hot I'm about to pass out sitting on a bucket in the dugout. How those girls play 4-5 games on Saturday and then again on Sunday is unbelievable. Wish I'd taken more pics of how they really look after laying it all on the line, for a weekend, in 100+ degrees.

Heat index 115 that day.
Last edited:
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Kids in this part of the country tend to wilt in that kind of heat.

One time we had a "heat wave" during rec ball season. The hottest day during the heat wave got up to 100. DD #1's rec ball coach called an optional practice for that day. DD #1 wasn't going to go, but she was born in central Arkansas, so I made her go anyway. I grew up in NW Arkansas, and we used to play basketball all afternoon in 100 degree weather.

I dropped DD #1 off at practice. She and the coach's daughter were the only girls there. The next game they played, the other team forfeited a double header rather than play in 95+ degree weather.

DD #3's TB coach grew up in the Carolinas. She takes no excuses about heat. During the summer she will schedule practices during the hottest part of the day, and work the girls hard, so they will get used to the heat. One time they won a tournament just because the team that came in second wilted in the heat. It was over 90! DD #3's team was running all over the place in pre-game warmups, while the other team was hiding out in the dugout, trying to escape the heat.
Dec 22, 2012
I just picked up one of these for my wife. Early birthday present. Seat with a heater built in. Major points for me!

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