value of cheap education

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fastpitch pops
Jun 27, 2017
....But now a small NAIA school has approached and there's a chance she can go to this school almost for free when you count academic and athletic money. she might start as a freshman.

I know it depends on the kid, but how do you weigh this -

A - Decent academic school that has her major and a chance to play softball and graduate with no debt.

B - Above average academic school, no softball, at a cost of $100,000 over 4 years.

DD's career choice requires grad school, and it's a competitive field, but those in this field have told her that if you are outstanding academically that your undergrad school won't matter that much.

Definately choice A if she likes the NAIA school. Coming from my own experience from attending a smaller private undergraduate school then going to a more well-known larger school for my master's degree, the grad school matters a LOT more than the undergraduate school in professional fields. For me, it was the best of both worlds. I gained a lot of great lifetime friends in the smaller school, got to be a major contributor in my sport, and had more personal relationships with school staff as a young undergraduate. At the larger graduate school, I was older, wiser, more disciplined, and generally much more business-like. Further, because the grad school had a great reputation, it helped me get a jump start on a career. I don't think my fellow grad school students that went to larger undergraduate schools had any advantage over me (although an undergraduate degree from a top 10 school might open some doors after grad school).
Feb 7, 2013
$100,000/216 months (18 years) = $463 a month per child.

You actually need to save a lot less than that each month as you have not factored in rate of return and compounding interest. Using your formula and a 6% return each year, you would have a whopping 180K. If you only invested $263 per month at 6% return, you would have your 100K.
Aug 29, 2011
As parents, when our kids were born and for the next 18 years we should have been setting aside money for a 4-yr college so we do not have to make a choice between A or B.....
We've been fortunate to have good jobs, have lived below our means, and have also saved religiously for years so that's the position we are in with our first 2 kids currently in college and expect to be for the 3rd when she's headed there in 5 years.

But not everyone has that option.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I know it depends on the kid, but how do you weigh this -

A - Decent academic school that has her major and a chance to play softball and graduate with no debt.

B - Above average academic school, no softball, at a cost of $100,000 over 4 years.

If the above average academic school was one of the top schools in the US...Harvard, Yale, U of Chicago, Stanford, UC Berkley, etc.,...then go to that school.

Otherwise, go to the school where you can minimize the student debt.
Nov 26, 2010
thanks for the replies. To 2020's point, I don't know that she would even need to transfer because the naia school has a good major that prepares her for the grad school she wants to attend. She wants to get in physical therapy school. This school has a pre-PT major. Not that your major is that critical anyway. but yes after 2 years she can reassess things, including how softball is going.

A new PT is judged by her license more then where she went to school for her undergrad. My wife is a PT and For many years was a manager and then director of a rehab Department the only talk Of where you went to school was by the other PTs joking with each other over school rivalries. What is sad is that a job that used to be well done with a bachelors degree now requires a doctorate with no benefit to anyone other then the schools for the money they bring in.

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