1st ever tournament

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Jun 11, 2013
Bring a good attitude. Bring an AC with a good attitude.

Teams may pull stuff that you haven't seen before and it might require some on the spot teaching. I remember
our first 10U Rec all-star tourney we hadn't worked on bunt coverage as an example.

The games will faster in every aspect, but it's still the same game.

If someone happens to have an RV it's a nice thing to have for the kids to have some down time between games.


Softball Junkie
Dec 4, 2014
On a bucket
Plenty of coolers with ice, water, Sports drinks. Have each family bring some type of food for sandwiches or snacks. Big tent(shade is hard to come by here) and sunscreen. Hitting net, bucket of balls, tee. I sure remember our 1st one, almost everyone was late, running on the field with about 5 mins to spare, got killed!!! Didn't think we would get out of the 1st inning. But it gets better. Good luck


Mar 13, 2014
Extra batting helmet chin straps. Not sure if your rec league requires them, but seems like a lot of tournament umps notice if they are missing.
Jul 16, 2008
All the above answers for sure. Also, some suggestions for you for Tournament play. Have the team arrive 1 hour 30 minutes prior to first game, meet somewhere (Parking lot). Walk in all together, have players carrying the team gear. Try to find out where a good place to conduct warm-ups (typically if temp fences are up you can use the space between the temp fences and regular fence). Make sure to read the Tournament Rules, many times it will say team listed on top the bracket will occupy 1B dugout - then warm up on the correct side. Keep track of the current game going on, sometimes games get over in 3 innings.

Have the pitchers start warming up at least 30 minutes before game. Typically the catchers MUST wear a catching helmet at a minimum while pitchers are warming up.
This is our typical warm up process;
Slow jog as a team
Dynamic stretching
Hitting Stations (Side toss & Tee into nets, whiffleballs, and bunting)
Throw warm up arms
Depending on how fast that goes, and the current game going on we will also start to hit fly balls while the pitchers/catchers begin warming up.

When getting ready for your game; have the girls put their gear in the dugout, then have infielders and outfielders go out to the field. Typically infielder's will be at 2B either facing 1B or 3B depending which side your on. Outfielders Right-Center or Left-Center. start hitting balls to players. Have A/C do these as the HC will have to meet at the plate when the umpires come onto the field.

When the game is over, clear out of the dugout quickly as there will be another team waiting to get in.

Good luck, and I hope this helps a little.
Jul 4, 2012
Bucket of balls and a net. Birth certificates? Line up cards and a hanging clip board. I like having five or six lineups pre-printed from Excel to speed things up between games. Score book and a book keeper. Set the expectations without taking the winning drive out of the girls. Getting there early helps. Get a parent to take care of a cooler.
Apr 1, 2010
Blankets to spread on the ground under the pop-ups or under trees. The younger girls seem to prefer to sprawl on the ground in a big clump/circle rather than sitting in chairs.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Ridiculous hot today, but the girls had a blast! And they really stepped up their game from game 1 to game 3! We lost 14-6, 8-1, and 5-4. Couldn't be happier with the effort today!

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Ridiculous hot today, but the girls had a blast! And they really stepped up their game from game 1 to game 3! We lost 14-6, 8-1, and 5-4. Couldn't be happier with the effort today!

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Yep, sounds my weekend last week in my team's 1st Tournament and my 1st Tournament. Good luck tomorrow - if they are having fun you're doing your job!

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