1st ever tournament

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Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
So I'm taking my rec team to a rec/all star/community travel tourney this weekend. It's sort of a reward for the great season we had. I am fully aware that we're likely to get crushed - lots. The point is for the girls to have an experience, so the focus has been on fun and learning.

Anyway, what I really need to know is this: what should I bring? What should I ask the parents to bring? Our 1st pool game is at 9:30, last one at 2:00. This is all new to me.
Jul 14, 2015
how old are they? I don't really have any advice on what to bring but there were several teams in the 5/6 rec tourny I just attended who had organized cheers with the players and parents. I thought it was really cool and wished we had done something like that.


Feb 20, 2012
Bring healthy snacks for them to eat before and during the games, and "fun" snacks for after the game!

Healthy - bananas, sliced oranges, grapes, Fig Newtons, ect.

Fun - cupcakes, snow cones, funnel cakes, pixie stix

I would also recommend bringing a case or two of bottled waters on ice. Someone always forgets to hydrate!
I just did this last week with a 12U team, first ever tournament, rec all-stars in a B/C/Rec Stars tourney. First off, expect to lose all your games. Then try to win one. We went 0-5 and had we won one game I would have been elated but the girls had a ton of fun.

First, take a canopy/tent. First day we were there an hour before our Friday night game so all the parents knew where to go and to get the lay of the land and so we could get loose. Our second day we had a horrible draw. 930AM, 330PM and 800PM all 50 minutes from home. There were a couple businesses close enough to walk to and eat and the girls all hung out. It was a super long day. I set up the canopy on the hill above the two 12U fields, another parent brought one too, and everyone brought tons of munchies, watermelon. This was a "no grills" tourney, which disappointed many, so no cooking out. We watched the other teams and had fun. Sunscreen, spare junk, ice, catchers gear, etc., and don't forget the book! One travel team we played forgot to bring their book to the tourney and one of our girls couldn't find her socks.

As far as the games, advice I read here is very applicable. Get an out every time you can, even if you give up a run. In 5 games we lost 11-2, 8-3, 8-3, 5-3 and 10-0. In all but the 5-3 game, we gave up a 5 run inning (max runs). We let those innings get away. Times we needed an out we didn't get one trying for a lead runner, etc. Teams will know you are a rec team and if there are any travel teams they will try to exploit your inexperience. Pretty soon, the ball is flying all over the field and everyone scores. Get an out, stop the play, get the ball to the circle. Try to win an inning, etc.

Next, hopefully you have some outfielders. Play them deeper than you think and get your outfielders to move on every play. Our rec ballers got more action in one game than two weeks in rec league. They tend to get ---distracted.

Finally, be prepared to hustle. The TD and blue will really keep you moving on and off the field, we played some fast games. Our rec ball games are 6 innings and usually last 1:45-2:00. We played 6 innigs in all games but the last one which was 5 (10 run rule after 5) and our games went between 1:10 and 1:20.

Don't forget to be encouraging and have fun. My DD had a blast as did all the other girls (and so did the coach)!


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
So I'm taking my rec team to a rec/all star/community travel tourney this weekend. It's sort of a reward for the great season we had. I am fully aware that we're likely to get crushed - lots. The point is for the girls to have an experience, so the focus has been on fun and learning.

Anyway, what I really need to know is this: what should I bring? What should I ask the parents to bring? Our 1st pool game is at 9:30, last one at 2:00. This is all new to me.

A lot less than you would think.

Big cooler full of ice and water (and cut up fruit).
Make sure two parents brings a pop up tent/canopy
Fold up chairs
First aid kit with lots of band aids, sports tape and sunscreen

That is all you really need that you wouldn't normally bring for a game anyway.
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A lot less than you would think.

Big cooler full of ice and water (and cut up fruit).
Make sure two parents brings a pop up tent/canopy
Fold up chairs
First aid kit with lots of band aids, sports tape and sunscreen

That is all you really need that you wouldn't normally bring for a game anyway.

True, my catcher brought her own gear. During rec season we always carry the team gear bag with 4 batting helmets, a couple aluminum bats and catcher's gear. That was a total waste of time. Bring it in the car maybe, but really no need to lug it to the dugout. If you check your girls probably have all their own helmets and bats even at rec level, mine did.
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Sorry, 12U. Thanks for the info. I'm kinda jazzed. I know one of the teams, they're a 1st year travel team made up mostly of All Stars I coached last season. I don't feel we're overmached by them, just inexperienced. I'm looking forward to this!

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May 15, 2014
Unless it's a 3 day tourney I try to plan for the unexpected. If I think I will be at the park for 8 hours, I will pack like it will be 14. If it's more than 30 minutes from my house, I will literally bring everything I can think of because when you don't have it, that is when you will need it. You are going to need a few tents, check with the parents on the team to see who has one and have them bring it. Camp chairs. coolers with tons of water, drinks (nothing sugary for the girls), fruit, snacks, items to make sandwiches. It never fails that my kid will have back to back games so it seems like we never have time to leave the park to get lunch. Bring any and every medicine known to man that your kid may need- Tylenol, motrin, allergy medication, eye drops, band aids, ice packs, etc. I feel like I am packing for Armageddon when we are playing a tournament but honestly we love it and wouldn't trade it for anything!
Oct 13, 2014
Metro ATL
Lots of great advice already. Add some protein snacks to the mix (my girls love nuts, peanut butter on apple slices, cheese sticks, heck, I even bring a dozen hard boiled eggs for early in the day) and like all have said plenty of water. We have a single cooler full of ice and the smaller water bottles. I bring 2 dozen every tournament and another parent brings another 2 dozen.

Battery charger for phones, camera, trash bag(s) for your tent city, folding table and disposable table cloth.

Good Luck! You are going to have big fun!!

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