10 YOs wearing make up

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Mar 13, 2010
Agree with everybody.

I play and have always played with people who wear full make-up to both train and play with. Of course it was half off, or melting by the time we finished. I understand foundation for those who are sensitive about their skin (one girl had horrific acne even as an adult) but anything else? Not needed.
Jan 23, 2010
When I was in about third grade, I started wearing "play makeup" to like parties and stuff. When I was in fifth grade, we could go to this local dance thing once a week for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. I wore "play makeup" there, large amounts of glitter and eye gunk that looked horrible at the time. I developed WAY before most of my friends, so some of the clothes that they wore... well, they just didn't work for me. Now, I'd say I dress like the average 18 year old. I know when stuff needs to be put away and when stuff doesn't. I try to think about who I might run into when I'm getting dressed... I ALWAYS dress appropriately at the ball field when coaching or practicing, but when I'm hanging out with my friends... I might dress a little risque occasionally. I'm only 18 once.

But at ten? Heck no. Wearing makeup occasionally was BIG deal. Now, I hate the stuff and wear foundation to cover up my raccoon eyes from wearing sunglasses at the ball field all weekend!
Jul 28, 2008
Yeah...I got two girls on my team who wear that crap. One of which is my own daughter. If you have any ideas on how to approach my ex-wife on this subject, I'm all ears. BTW, she's a cosmetologist. I learned to pick my battles. This is one that will come up within a couple of years anyway and I will lose. After picking many (in dad's terms this would equal all) battles with my oldest daughter and finally regaining an awesome relationship with her, I learned which one's are worth fighting form and which are not. For what it's worth, travel ball is what split us apart. She's now playing JV high school ball as a freshman after being away from the sport for 2 years and is having the time of her life. I go to games and cheer her on with zero coaching.
May 7, 2008
It is funny you would say that. My DD is a registered cosmetologist and she wore eye liner to play ball in HS. Nothing as young as some of these girls, though.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
I may be an old foggy, but 10U girls wearing make up is just too much for me. I am seeing it more and more. I think it is about 4 years to early to allow any make up. It looks awful to me, on a 10 YO.

A new student that is 10 showed up for lessons Sat. and she had on more makeup, than I did. I am talking eye liner and mascara.

Some of these girls are getting too much, too soon. And that can't be good.

End of rant.

I agree with you Amy. I guess I'm an old fuddy duddy right there with you. I finally relented this year on the make-up at 13. My wife pointed out that our daughter was one of the few girls not wearing any make-up to school and was being asked if she was Mennonite or Amish. I've only had to tell her to got wash it off and try again twice before school before the 'a little goes a long way' mantra set in.

The thing that gets me chewing the inside of my face is the 10 - 12 year old girls yanking thier short up to thier chins to make them bun huggers and rolling the top down to make them hip hugging low riders. It's softball practice not a Victoria Secret runway show for crying out loud. I'm so glad we have pants with belts this year. We've got much more control how the uniforms are worn. Maybe the inside of my cheeks will finally heal up.
Nov 29, 2009
The thing that gets me chewing the inside of my face is the 10 - 12 year old girls yanking thier short up to thier chins to make them bun huggers and rolling the top down to make them hip hugging low riders. It's softball practice not a Victoria Secret runway show for crying out loud.

If they show up to practice with something like that on it's the coach's fault. I tell all my kids they are not allowed on my field wearing their shorts the way you describe. I also make it clear they will wear proper practice attire at all times. No rolling the shorts. I tell them the uniform is to be worn exactly as it's was designed. This is done at the very first team meeting with all the girls and the parents present. This way I never have to hear an excuse about not knowing.

As far as makeup goes that's between the girl and her parents. The vast majority of the moms fall somewhere within the opinions expressed here. Usually when they hit their teens the moms give the girls more freedom.
Jun 18, 2010
I do not care much for my 12U girls wearing makeup to practice or games, but I have never spoken out against it to them or their parents. My wife does not let our DD wear anything other than lip balm. There is one girl on the team that wears really dark eye liner, and it looks ridiculous. I agree with others who have mentioned picking battles, and this is low on my list too.
Jul 1, 2010
Funny/sad. DD played with a girl that wore tons of eyeliner every game. Also cried every game. What a mess!
Nov 26, 2010
I couldn't agree more.

I don't know that its my job as a coach to moderate how the girls dress for practice. Games, its a team sport and the uniform must be worn correctly, but at practice? Thats up to mom and dad.

However, I will say that if the girls started showing up in booty shorts, that would be the day we worked on sliding.

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