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  1. carrotbun

    Info needed on injury

    My DD hurt her back during a game while pitching. She ignored it for a few games but the pain got worse. I took her to the Dr. and xrays were her Dr. sent her to a PT..she had injured her SI joint in her lower back. Many factors contributed to the injury...growth spurt...her right side...
  2. carrotbun

    help me, help my 10u pitcher! its all mental

    My DD just turned 10 a month ago throwing high 40's low 50's...plenty of movement...has a nasty change up and is now getting her drop down...she is still pretty mental...pitching about a year and a half's gone from being upset because she walked people or didn't hit her spots getting...
  3. carrotbun

    10u pitching speeds

    She is about 5' 100lbs...really long legs and long arms:)
  4. carrotbun

    10u pitching speeds

    My daughter is 9 and was pitching 49-51 on monday with a top spin of 20.3...she has pitching a little over a year...she puts in a lot of hard work and hits her spots:)

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