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  1. M

    What's a parent to do?

    Folks - THIS right here is why the military spouse is the toughest job in the military. csmda5 - my hat is off to you. You all make it possible for us to do what we do, a fact that I know we take for granted from time to time. We have the "luxury" of compartmentalizing our emotions downrange...
  2. M

    What's a parent to do?

    I really appreciate all of the responses and support - lots of good advice here and definitely a lot of points to consider. I do agree that this may be her emotional, knee-jerk reaction. As I mentioned, this isn't the first deployment, but it is the first time I will miss the whole season - to...
  3. M

    What's a parent to do?

    We told our girls a few days ago that I will be deployed for a period of time that includes the entirety of the next season. Our oldest (10yo) thought about it for a while and came back to us saying that she doesn't want to play if I'm not here - it would make her miss me too much as ball has...

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