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  1. A

    Dropped 3rd: Safety Base

    This is local high school ball so I'm not surprised. This happens in the last inning of the game. It's a dropped 3rd in foul territory, the 1st baseman sets up in foul territory using the safety base. The catcher's throw is a little off line and comes in right over the runner's shoulder. The 1st...
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    Pitcher Falling Sideways

    She looks very young. She's going to have to pitch from a static start and won't be able to drag her push off foot back like she does now. But maybe you are doing one of Java's drills in the video. Part of me wants to say just let her fly, overall she looks very good. Eventually she will smooth...
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    Placement of foot in front of the rubber

    I payed attention to this while I watched the college games that I had recorded over the weekend. I saw a number of pitchers start with their heel touching the front of the rubber which means that when they push off they lose contact with it.
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    Swinging under the ball

    Bob, you're going to have to go into more detail about this. I have done a lot of research in this area and know that traditional methods of teaching motor skills have been shown to be less than effective when scientifically tested. The newer ways of teaching motor skills, constraints led...
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    Who catches pitching lessons?

    I catch for most of my lessons, not really by choice though. It has it's pluses and minuses. Typically a pitcher will naturally throw a spin without really realizing it, if I'm catching I can notice this and if she repeats the spin with some regularity I will start drawing her attention to it...
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    Improving consistency

    Such is the nature of all sports. With pitching things can change from game to game, inning to inning, even batter to batter. How she deals with this will be significant factor in her success as she moves through her career. It's good to have a mental toolkit of options, throw it faster, throw...
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    Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

    I've never seen it called. Most of the time the lines get rubbed out, and no one cares.
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    Drop in velocity

    What was her velocity in the garage? When you are catching it's not easy to get a good read on a pitcher's mechanics. I always try to take video from the throwing arm side, without video it can be difficult to detect changes, even with video there are subtle changes that are tough to spot...
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    Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

    I'm watching Texas vs Ok St on tape. The Ok St pitcher Kyra Aycock also jumps way left, probably outside the line. A very unusual thing is that her shoulders are slanted down on a 45 degree angle at release. Who would teach this? I have to believe that she developed it on her own. There is no...
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    Fielders choice leads to stolen base. Can someone explain this play to me?

    I went to a D1 game today and saw exactly the same play, and a no call. Attempted double play that was unsuccessful and as the runner was slowly returning to first she bolted for second. With the ball in 8 ft circle everyone relaxes and stops watching the runner. Teams will adjust as this play...
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    Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

    I don't think that she replants, her toe touches down but there doesn't seem to be a solid plant-push. It looks llke she does have a gym step though, the sole of her foot is up and possibly not on the rubber, then it slides forward and possibly loses contact.
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    Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

    I was watching Jala Wright pitching for Duke. She jumps left and lands outside the lines, which is technically illegal. I'm see more girls who do this, like Abby Dunning, land pretty far to the left which makes you tilt to the right, add in some monkey butt, however they make it work. As a...
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    Fielders choice leads to stolen base. Can someone explain this play to me?

    A full 5 seconds goes by between the time the pitcher gets the ball from the first baseman and the runner breaks to second, that really stretches the meaning of the word 'immediately'.
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    Pitchers With Less Than Perfect Mechanics

    As an instructor I am probably too concerned with perfect form. There are a lot of ways to get it done. Of course there are a few absolutes, like IR, but outside of that things get fuzzy. I'm watching a Boston College game on tape and their pitcher, Abby Dunning, is only 5'4" and supposedly...
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    Rothrock's Grip

    I see replays of K's and HR's showing bullet spin. During the regular season not all broadcasts are clear enough to show the spin, SEC is much better this year as are some of the ESPN games, I don't know about SEC+. Typically you had to wait for the WCWS to get good clear replays. I find...
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    Timing is Timing ~ It takes training

    This brings up several interesting topics, going from 60 to 45 is not a normal difference in speed from a fastball to a change up. I think it's typically 8-10 mph. But now I'm wondering how the speed drop corresponds to the trajectory change. If you go from 60 to 55 with a machine will the ball...
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    Big 10 softball

    I watched some of this game today on tape. Both teams started pitchers who maxed out at 59 mph. Later on Illinois brought in a pitcher who threw mid 60's so it wasn't a faulty radar gun.
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    Timing is Timing ~ It takes training

    The most effective change up is going to start out with a fastball trajectory, then drop low or out of the strike zone. It kind of defeats the purpose if you slow the machine down and raise the trajectory. Sometimes a pitcher can get away with a change up that starts out high, looks like it's...
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    Rothrock's Grip

    This the second game in which I have watched Keagan Rothrock of Florida. It's pretty clear to me that she uses the fatty grip on all her pitches. She throws the bullet rise (with a touch of backspin) a lot. All the strikeouts and significant contact where they slo-mo replay the pitch have the...
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    Timing is Timing ~ It takes training

    Practicing off live pitching has it's benefits (vs machine) but the context under which it takes place is important. In my experience a lot of live pitch BP does not take place with the context of an at bat, most of the time it's pitchers throwing fastballs and batters taking swings. Live BP is...

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