What is Tincher pitching

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Aug 12, 2018
You're in great hands!!!!
Consider it an investment, a good one for several reasons.
Honestly I really do feel that way. The instruction Leigh and Jen provide is top notch. It's the journey that makes me nervous. I'm constantly asking myself what happens if the changes they are making, though I know are right and needed, impact her command or in some way performance in games. I worry about her being ready for the upcoming season and it impacting her spot in the rotation. It's such a pivotal time. We started this HE to IR journey a little late I'll admit. This is where I'm hoping you all in this fantastic forum talk me off the ledge! lol.
Apr 28, 2014
Honestly I really do feel that way. The instruction Leigh and Jen provide is top notch. It's the journey that makes me nervous. I'm constantly asking myself what happens if the changes they are making, though I know are right and needed, impact her command or in some way performance in games. I worry about her being ready for the upcoming season and it impacting her spot in the rotation. It's such a pivotal time. We started this HE to IR journey a little late I'll admit. This is where I'm hoping you all in this fantastic forum talk me off the ledge! lol.

That's a natural reaction to change. But moving to IR is nessary and your DD will be fine! I remember feeling the exact same way. Just be sure that your DD goes 100% in on the changes and doesn't try to revert back to HE during games. If she struggles, and they all do, she needs to feel comfortable knowing that sticking with her new way to pitch is a good thing as its all a process.
Oct 4, 2018
Honestly I really do feel that way. The instruction Leigh and Jen provide is top notch. It's the journey that makes me nervous. I'm constantly asking myself what happens if the changes they are making, though I know are right and needed, impact her command or in some way performance in games. I worry about her being ready for the upcoming season and it impacting her spot in the rotation. It's such a pivotal time. We started this HE to IR journey a little late I'll admit. This is where I'm hoping you all in this fantastic forum talk me off the ledge! lol.

Don't worry about the games. Easier said than done. Stick to mechanics, results will come and you'll be in a way better place.
Mar 28, 2014
I worry about her being ready for the upcoming season and it impacting her spot in the rotation. It's such a pivotal time.
14u B ball is not a pivotal time.

At all.

Remove those fears from your mind. It's the opposite. 14u B ball is a great time to make the transition ................if you ever want to make it to A ball.

Failure in the 14u B games mean nothing. Zero.
Apr 20, 2017
Honestly I really do feel that way. The instruction Leigh and Jen provide is top notch. It's the journey that makes me nervous. I'm constantly asking myself what happens if the changes they are making, though I know are right and needed, impact her command or in some way performance in games. I worry about her being ready for the upcoming season and it impacting her spot in the rotation. It's such a pivotal time. We started this HE to IR journey a little late I'll admit. This is where I'm hoping you all in this fantastic forum talk me off the ledge! lol.

Hope things are going well with the transition. Just thought I would share our experience to help with your concerns. My DD started Tincher a couple years ago at the same time as joining her first National type team. The transition started after nationals in the summer and that fall it sucked. She was kinda stuck in between pitching styles. Even contemplated switching back at one point but DD saw the light and believed. We had conversations with the coach and they understood it was a process. That fall she would have some good innings and some bad. If her mechanics started to fall back to old habits during a game then she was pulled at that time. After the fall season we took a month off and then started back. And the difference was amazing. The next spring she led every pitching stat on the team. And has continuously improved since then. We knew long term it was the right thing even if it was a step back at the time. Good luck to your DD while making this transition and be there to support her on those rough days. It will get better and a year from now you will be happy with the decision.

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