Tyler Summitt out as basketball coach

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Jun 11, 2015
The only fact I know for certain is that he didn't earn his job the same way most of us have to.

While there is a lot of inherited wealth in this country, one of the things I've learned about many self-made successes is that they *won't* give lots of cash to their children to set them up with cozy adult lifestyles. They KNOW that trial builds character. We can say that infidelity (which he has admitted to) is a different kind of character trait than work ethic, but it's still about character.

If he and his young wife had been traveling small town to small town throughout the South, trying to find work with a baby on the way, and if he'd managed to find a place where he was able to coach junior high and high school in back-to-back seasons during the school year, while selling shoes during the off-season, things might have been different. If he'd spent years at the high school level, while his wife worked to build her practice in some small, out-of-the-way town....if they'd had to get a small, personal loan - "just this once Mom, I swear, please don't tell Dad" - from his mom to keep the electricity on....if she'd called her dad to ask for a couple cases of baby formula, because child #2 turned out to be a big eater...if they'd ever gone through any sort of real struggle TOGETHER, he probably would've had a lot less interest in stepping out on his wife.

But no. They gave a 23-year-old kid with very little experience a job paying $175,000/year - plus a country club membership - in a town where the median income is $25,000.

It's my opinion that the University did a tremendous disservice to this young man by hiring him and that a more conservative approach to their selection would have been warranted. As for Mr. Summitt, I cannot blame him for taking advantage of what he was gifted, but this does serve as a cautionary tale against giving kids too much.

When you do not earn it, you don't appreciate it nearly as much. And yes, the same goes for ANY sort of gifted entitlement.

LOL an entitlement rant?? Hah ha. Yeah poor people never get in relationships like this.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
It comes down to choices.
People make choice and must live with both the good and bad consequences of those choices.
It's not a job, social standing, or another person's fault.
Sep 18, 2011
This is a 25 year old guy who had sex with a 22 year old (approximate ages based on some hearsay) and by that same hearsay it was completely consensual, poor judgement and he did commit adultery, but jeez, he is not exactly Bill Cosby here. There is no evidence he took advantage of anyone that I read. Not everything is coercive, if this was a baseball player having sex with a female conditioning coach no one would notice. College age women are not a group of poor defenseless critters that can't make informed (albeit wrong) decisions about who they hook up with. Yes he should have respected his position and not acted on any urges, but damn...the guy is 25. If I had a dime for every dumb rear hookup I had at 25 I would have almost a dollar.

World of difference between your 2am hookups at IN-N-Out Burger and a head coach, the face of a program, hooking up with one of his players.
May 7, 2008
And the girl that says she's not pregnant, isn't even the girl that supposedly is. Just how many women was he keeping happy? That might be the real story.


Feb 20, 2012
World of difference between your 2am hookups at IN-N-Out Burger and a head coach, the face of a program, hooking up with one of his players.

There are no In-N-Out Burgers in Georgia, which may explain my lack of success with the ladies in my younger days....


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
And the girl that says she's not pregnant, isn't even the girl that supposedly is. Just how many women was he keeping happy? That might be the real story.

The girl who posted the photo of her midriff to show she is not preggo is apparently the OTHER player who transferred to the program from Marquette when Summit was made head coach. She said she needed to post it to stop the rumors that it was her they were talking about.

What a mess.

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