Teaching how to properly hold a softball...

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May 13, 2023
a) Does it take longer to get a 4 seam grip, yes
b) Is there is enough time to do it for routine plays, yes I believe so
c) Is it important to do it? Not sure

Well that was fun LOL ?

Certainly exhibits the extra
fiddle dee diddle
that goes with sorting the seams...
Jun 8, 2016
Well that was fun LOL ?

Certainly exhibits the extra
fiddle dee diddle
that goes with sorting the seams...
No shi% it takes longer...come on RAD nobody is questioning that. The question is does it take longer than it takes to bring the ball to the middle to throw on a routine play. That has to be done to make a proper throw anyway..right?

PS: I am glad you enjoyed my video ;)
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May 13, 2023
No shi% it takes longer. The question is does it take longer than it takes to bring the ball to the middle to throw on a routine play.
Since there is a difference in how players transition the ball
AKA how long the ball might travel in their glove versus getting the ball out immediately in front and throwing. They're in lies a time frame that is different to begin with.
Beyond that...
imo there are too many different variables in making a play to allow wasting time unnecessarily.

The longer it takes to get the ball to the out the closer the runner is to being safe. In the event of error,( like a bad throw, or dropped ball by the receiver , or fiddle de diddle causing complication)
there is less recuperation time as the runner has already advanced further.
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Jun 8, 2016
a) Does it take longer to get a 4 seam grip, yes
I need to clarify this. On routine plays I don't think it will make the transition from catch to throw longer. Obviously if you just did what I did in the video and threw it from where I caught it it would take more time but when you are fielding a ball you have to bring the ball to the middle (on a routine play) to make an accurate throw anyway.
May 13, 2023
No shi% it takes longer...come on RAD nobody is questioning that. The question is does it take longer than it takes to bring the ball to the middle to throw on a routine play. That has to be done to make a proper throw anyway..right?
I understand the point you are making of saying it would be part of a routine. And on a routine play. That one or two bouncer that goes directly to a player.

I commented about players don't all transition in the same place.
The sequencing of time from ball recovery to throw can be different. Including when the player actually gets their hand on the ball ( to then sort the seams.)
example- Some players bring their glove back to their hand (by their shoulder/side) by that time it might be difficult to get the Sorting of the seams in efficient time frame within throwing mechanics that you are referring to.

Another example is transitioning in front of our body (not fielding the ball and then bringing it into our belly)
When transitioning out front, ball would be in and out of the glove so quickly it would not remain even momentarily to make a seam adjustment.

Bring this back to the point that @ArmWhip brought up.

Therein lies the best part of the whole discussion!

Definitely I have not needed to!
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May 27, 2013
So this thread now has me thinking about this - whenever I catch for my dd or we just have a toss, I always tend to grip the ball the same when I throw the ball back (which is not 4-seam, btw). It feels extremely weird to me if I don’t grip it the same each time. I honestly can’t recall what I did as a fielder when I played and had to quickly get rid of the ball. I imagine I tried to throw with the grip that was most comfortable to me but I can’t say with certainty that’s what I did.

Does anyone else do this? When just having a catch do you always grip the ball the same way or do you just catch and throw?

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