Should I move my DD

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Apr 14, 2011
Blue, Oklahoma
DD's school team is full of talent, but lacks quality coaching and drive to be the best. Most of the girls on her school team would rather party or hang out with their friends than work on their skills and get better at the game of softball. I understand the game of softball is not for everyone and I'm blessed to have a DD who loves the game and works hard to make herself better without me pushing her. I've always told her to lead by example and understand that not everyone loves the game as much as she does. She gets frustrated at times because she is so competitive and can't stand to lose. My DD currently plays travel ball with Tulsa Eagles 12u with a group of girls she has played with since the age of 8 years. All of these girls she has traveled with go to a different school in our district and have probably one of the best coaches in the state. DD is in seventh grade and will have to make a decision this summer if you wants to transfer or not. If she starts her 8th grade year and then moves she will have to set out a year because of the transfer. What would you do?
Dec 7, 2011
Assuming all things equal on the personal-impact-part between the choice of school A or school B I would say jump to School B.

I know some folks are going to say otherwise here since "HS does not matter" and the like,... but I see my DD who is incredibly competitive and dedicated and what happens to her when she is surrounded by "rec-players". I don't like the way that eats at her regardless of how well she tolerates it in public. I think it's limiting her potential to a degree even though I commend her for her tolerance and desire to want to influence the rec players to strive for more.

Bottom line is I think it might be worth missing a year of HS just to get a better environment for her.

But again I am intentionally skipping over the personal impact part of the school switch which can be a HUGE factor too that only DD can point you to the right decision on.....

Also important though is what kind of rec players these other team members are - if they are truly just there to enjoy whatever level they are at in the sport without too much practice then that's fine. DD understands that too even though she will always want to win! . But too many times these rec-players suffer from a more cancerous issue relative to a lack of confidence and limited goal expectations of themselves.
Oct 22, 2009
I know some folks are going to say otherwise here since "HS does not matter"

Actually, HS does matter, but it's the academics you need to put first. Where will she have the best teachers? Where will she have the best opportunities to go to college if that is her goal? If she is playing high level TB, and her goal is to play in college, that is where her softball energies should be focused. HS is first and foremost to provide the academic foundation for going to and succeeding in college, whether she plays softball or not. I would not choose to move to a school that is academically inferior, only to find that two years from now DD no longer plays softball!


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
PA SB is right...

Basically, you are letting the tail (softball) wag the dog (her education). Softball is just a little game played by kids for a few years. It is fun, but in the greater scheme of things, fielding a softball is one of the least useful skills a kid can have.

Also, if you pick a school for her based upon softball, you are telling her that athletics is more important than academics. Guess what? They aren't.

When softball ends (and it will end), then she had better have skills to find a real job. If she doesn't, then she can live with you and you can support her and dream of the glory days that everyone else has long since forgot.
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Nov 26, 2010
PA SB is right...

Basically, you are letting the tail (softball) wag the dog (her education). Softball is just a little game played by kids for a few years. It is fun, but in the greater scheme of things, fielding a softball is one of the least useful skills a kid can have.

Also, if you pick a school for her based upon softball, you are telling her that athletics is more important than academics. Guess what? They aren't.

When softball ends (and it will end), then she had better have skills to find a real job. If she doesn't, then she can live with you and you can support her and dream of the glory days that everyone else has long since forgot.

This is a great post. I want to add one thing. HS sports change at a drop of a hat. The coach at one school can leave and the coach from the other might transfer there. Or both quit and new coaches are hired at both places. A family with prodigy tripletts could move into your school district and are all state at pitcher catcher and short making the whole team better. You just don't know from year to year, and certainly not up to 6 years from now whats going to happen. Focus on your kids health and education and everything else becomes secondary.
Dec 7, 2011
Yup - didn't have enough assumptions in there :)

1. I assume the personal impact is none
2. I assume the school change is none

It was easy for me to assume that since in the area I am in the level of education only gets better with the betterment of the softball program. (for public schools)

Sluggers - I would argue one point a bit. The longer I live and with what I see as coming out of our educational systems I would challenge to a degree that what DD learns in accomplishing a career in softball, as short as it might be, might be more beneficial in life than the piece of paper they walk out with. Just my opinion.
Nov 26, 2010
Yup - didn't have enough assumptions in there :)

1. I assume the personal impact is none
2. I assume the school change is none

It was easy for me to assume that since in the area I am in the level of education only gets better with the betterment of the softball program. (for public schools)

Sluggers - I would argue one point a bit. The longer I live and with what I see as coming out of our educational systems I would challenge to a degree that what DD learns in accomplishing a career in softball, as short as it might be, might be more beneficial in life than the piece of paper they walk out with. Just my opinion.

I am currently looking for work. A lot of jobs are asking about that piece of paper before they even talk to you.
May 7, 2008
Jump to school B. Why even consider a school, that you already feel negative about? I realize not all HS educations are equal, but if these 2 schools are - jump.

China, Places are asking for your HS diploma? I have never heard of that. I haven't seen mine in 20 years.

I have 2 softball students that are home schooled. They love it and are free to travel and do more softball. The one that is 16, will play ball for her "home school district" this spring. I really like the idea of home school more and more, as the schools get worse and worse. (I am a former 2nd grade teacher.)
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
We don't have any home schooled softball teams. ( that I know of ) I think in TN you have the option of playing for the school you are zoned for, if you home school. Amy, does that sound correct? ( in AZ? )

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