School coach doesn't understand the game

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Jul 29, 2016
My daughter goes to a private school. Last year, everything came together, and they ended up losing in the state finals after working all the way back through the losers bracket to the finals. After that, the school's 20-year softball coach retired, and the school put a new hire in charge of the team. She comes from a family where baseball was everything (coach's father was a semi-pro and apparently a long-time coach), which was enough for the school administration to let her be the head softball coach. I knew things might go sideways when she did a "meet the new coach" Zoom call in July and asked the players to state their name, their position, and tell everyone who their favorite baseball player was. Wut? Baseball player?

Our team graduated our two very talented pitchers, and we are trying to get by with a single freshman pitcher who is good, but doesn't have the speed or control to pitch CGs. We have two other pitchers "on paper" but not really. We have one. Softball is a fall sport here, so we're playing now.

Yesterday, the full extent of our troubles was laid bare. One of the assistants was calling pitches instead of letting our daughter (the starting catcher) call the game - not usually a problem, but he kept calling for change ups and inside pitches (over and over again) to their best batters. It went about as well as you could expect. Doubles, triples and homeruns. About halfway through., my daughter convinced the assistant to let her call the pitches, and things settled down. The damage was already done.

We went into the bottom of the 7th down 14-5. Leadoff batter gets on base, and coach tells her to steal 2nd. She does. Then the coach tells her to steal third, and she's thrown out. We managed to plate a run before we got the third out, and then one of our batters gets on base. We've got one out left in the game and (yep, you guessed it) the game ends on a CS to second.

Why? I give the players props for listening to their coach, but why in God's name are you stealing bases in the bottom of the 7th when you need EIGHT runs? The team actually has enough good bats where it actually is a possibility that they could have that kind of two-out rally. Lots of murmurs in the stands in that last inning. I feel especially bad for the seniors. It is especially tough when so many of the players are very very good travel players who intimately understand the game.
May 6, 2015
one question, where are you in your season. if an early season game, it might be that the brand new coach is still getting to know her players, and wants to see what she has as far as speed.

but I get you, last weekend, coaches were running very aggresively, which I am all for, but they kept sending the wrong girls to try to eke out extra base on a throw somewhere else or a bobble, three outs at least we gave away on Sat (sun rained out). in the end it didnt really matter, we won the two games we had a shot at, and lost 17-2 the game we know we were outclassed (this team did not belong in this tournament, they only had three runs scored on them Sat in total).


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Ohh nooooo
Who is favorite bb player?
Terry Bradshaw!

Looks like a learning experience is
underfoot, yours, dd, team & coach.

Guess THIS will be an ongoing thread ;)

Good Luck ! ?
Jul 29, 2016
one question, where are you in your season. if an early season game, it might be that the brand new coach is still getting to know her players, and wants to see what she has as far as speed.

How many games has the team played under the direction of the new coach?

I believe this was their fourth game, including a scrimmage. I would suggest to you that it doesn't matter how fast the players are. Why are you risking an out when you only have three (and then one) to give with 9 (then 8) runs to make up?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I understand what you are posting but maybe give them a chance to learn too. If they don't it is a problem but I am not there yet.
Aug 27, 2019
Lakewood CA.
The only reason to steal while trailing by multiple runs is to stay out of the double play.... BUT!!! You gotta have your super fast, never get thrown our base runners on to make that make any sense. And there is no logical reason to steal third in this instance.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Having a bb background may have nothing to do with being able to coach or not.

However asking softball players
'who is favorite bb player'
Shows a disconnect communicating about softball.
Really should be who is favorite softball player/team.

This situation sounds pretty common,
Will be a learning experience for everyone!

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