Question for the umps

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Aug 12, 2014
This happened in our 12U rec game Saturday, using NFHS rules if that matters. It was raining off and on so the field was a bit muddy. There was a wild pitch, the runner came home and slid. The catcher got the ball to the pitcher who put the tag on. The ump grabbed the runner's foot with one hand and held it in place while he dug the dirt out around the foot and the plate, then called her out, saying she was short of the plate.

I have never seen anything like this before. Is this the proper way to do it? Or does he have to make the call based just on what he could see when the tag was applied? What's the correct way to handle this?

We had him for two games and he was really good - he was very loud and clear on the ball/strike calls, clearly explained his calls, asked for help from the base ump when he needed it unprompted, etc. I'm just curious on the correct mechanics on this play.

Thanks in advance for the replies.


Observer, but has an opinion
Oct 31, 2014
Where in the world do umpires come up with this crazy stuff. No umpire is going to do this. Someone who wears a uniform and takes your money may…..
May 29, 2015

I would never do that. I would never recommend that.

But in the "we just want you to get the call right" era :rolleyes: ... I'll just say, "Unorthodox."

I know for a fact an umpire should not be putting his hands on a child in this manner. That's the part that would bother me more than him moving some dirt to see if she had reached the plate.

That part I will agree with without hesitation or reservation. Then again, I had a coach grabbing a player today to show me where the ball hit her on the elbow. Is that any different?

(The ball hit her elbow, which I couldn't see because of her stance, and then hit the knob of the bat. She didn't react to the elbow hit and I had a hard sound ... so I had a foul ball. Got with my partner and he saw it get her elbow first. So we got it right, but in the meantime the coach starts grabbing her arm and dragging her toward us.)

Maybe I should have gone with this gif instead ...

Jun 6, 2016
That part I will agree with without hesitation or reservation. Then again, I had a coach grabbing a player today to show me where the ball hit her on the elbow. Is that any different?

(The ball hit her elbow, which I couldn't see because of her stance, and then hit the knob of the bat. She didn't react to the elbow hit and I had a hard sound ... so I had a foul ball. Got with my partner and he saw it get her elbow first. So we got it right, but in the meantime the coach starts grabbing her arm and dragging her toward us.)

I think we all need to be careful about what kind of well-intended physical contact we make with our players, but this sounds aggressive, which is always bad.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
This happened in our 12U rec game Saturday, using NFHS rules if that matters. It was raining off and on so the field was a bit muddy. There was a wild pitch, the runner came home and slid. The catcher got the ball to the pitcher who put the tag on. The ump grabbed the runner's foot with one hand and held it in place while he dug the dirt out around the foot and the plate, then called her out, saying she was short of the plate.

I have never seen anything like this before. Is this the proper way to do it? Or does he have to make the call based just on what he could see when the tag was applied? What's the correct way to handle this?

So dumb. Don't touch the players.

Correct mechanics (or at least what I have been taught/what to so).
- Move into the best angle and position to make the play. If they play has stopped and it helps to get closer, get closer.
- It is OK to take in new info if it is available post tag or completed play (for example like here where the runner has not gone further than the play, so you can go find an angle to see if they reached the plate).
- STOP, run the play through your head, make your call with confidence.

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