Pitching mechanics and what to work on

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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Been on and off with wanting to and not wanting to pitch. Started as a 9U and early 10, didn't do anything during 12's but would always ask to pitch during off times during tourneys. Not sure why but got the bug again. Last few weeks have gotten back at it and thru many years of reading these threads, we have addressed nearly every aspect but have not perfected any.

My one concern, besides all other suggestions that will be made, is on the plant foot, she stays at a strong 45 degrees or even more closed, i worry about injury and trying to stop the force of the drive. If this is not a worry, let me know, i would like to have her more open as i call it, foot pointing straight to home or somewhere between 60-80 degrees open. Suggestions welcome. She also eliminates the glove swim when we focus on it, but it is not engrained in her system and not yet sure it is an issue besides the pain on her thigh.

We recently started working the Drive Mechanics, thanks Java, and it immediately helped many things. This session on the youtube was a combination of many things so the leg drive, though ok, did not have a rigid foot as much as i would like, nor the weight transfer from left to right wasn't immediate enough. The last thing i was trying to have her do this session was to loosen the arm and not try to pull her shoulder to her head on release. In doing so it looks like she lost a little brush as well as the hand was not as much under the wall as i would have liked.

As always, any suggestions and hints are welcome, looking to continue the progression and get her ready for when the cold Wisconsin winter is done.



Dad, Coach, Chauffeur
Sep 2, 2016
Western NY
Looks pretty good IMO. Hard to tell from the back, but looks like she lets her upper body get too far forward...not resisting enough on the front side. Like you commented...I think the plant foot a little more angled towards home might help her resist the forward movement better...that translates into speed. The other thing I see is somewhat related to the glove swim. I think both arms should be driving in towards the core together...in synch. Think of just standing still and driving both elbows in together towards the body...that kind of feeling, use both sides. It helps to engage the core better too.


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Thanks for the input. I think I remember seeing a BoardMember video of him outside where he was showing someone the arm motion you describe. Thanks.
May 9, 2015
West Virginia
Disclaimer**** Not an expert. Looks very good, a lot more right that wrong IMO. Maybe a little over rotational with her hips and shoulders to me.
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Keep working on allowing the lower arm to loosen up. She's got a ton of untapped potential once she finds her whip.


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Thanks Ken. By that do you mean put a little more bend in the elbow? We were actually working on keeping her shoulder looser and not pulling up. I always tell her long loose and whippy. But should she focus on more palm up with elbow bend? If so how much bend?
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
The goal is to loosen up and allow the lower arm/ball to lag. Often times, when the arm loosens, the ball tends to lag more, resulting in a palm up orientation. The hard part of giving/taking internet advice is the potential to misinterpret things like “lead with the elbow,” “get more bend in the elbow” and “brush.” Sometimes these can backfire and I feel much better facilitating this stuff in person.
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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Understood. I have read these threads for years and understand the written word is hard to interpret for this. I have learned a lot and appreciate the advice.
Jul 9, 2016
Been on and off with wanting to and not wanting to pitch. Started as a 9U and early 10, didn't do anything during 12's but would always ask to pitch during off times during tourneys. Not sure why but got the bug again. Last few weeks have gotten back at it and thru many years of reading these threads, we have addressed nearly every aspect but have not perfected any.

My one concern, besides all other suggestions that will be made, is on the plant foot, she stays at a strong 45 degrees or even more closed, i worry about injury and trying to stop the force of the drive. If this is not a worry, let me know, i would like to have her more open as i call it, foot pointing straight to home or somewhere between 60-80 degrees open. Suggestions welcome. She also eliminates the glove swim when we focus on it, but it is not engrained in her system and not yet sure it is an issue besides the pain on her thigh.

We recently started working the Drive Mechanics, thanks Java, and it immediately helped many things. This session on the youtube was a combination of many things so the leg drive, though ok, did not have a rigid foot as much as i would like, nor the weight transfer from left to right wasn't immediate enough. The last thing i was trying to have her do this session was to loosen the arm and not try to pull her shoulder to her head on release. In doing so it looks like she lost a little brush as well as the hand was not as much under the wall as i would have liked.

As always, any suggestions and hints are welcome, looking to continue the progression and get her ready for when the cold Wisconsin winter is done.


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In watching to video i see a lot of good things,Toes drag is excellant ,glove hand doesnt swim,and she drives out well. But she needs to firm up her front side when landing and she takes the ball behind her back on her back swing,causing her to have a tendency to throw inside.The old newtons theory about every action had a opposite reaction.

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