Left Handed Pitcher

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Going broke on softball
Sep 14, 2014
Pacific NW
Can't add much more except one thing.. Pitching will tear your heart out as a parent. You will experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. It's an emotional rollercoaster like none other in any sport. It puts a huge amount of stress on the family and can help to make everyone stronger or break open some pain points. It will also require a ton of work on you and your family. It takes a village to develop a pitcher. That said there is nothing quite like seeing a shy kid develop into a warrior in front of your very eyes. As a dad I've learned that being a teenage girl can be very tough, but having to put in the time, effort and work it takes to become a successful pitcher helps develop the skills it takes to overcome many of the struggles that life can throw at a young woman. It's a crazy ride, but for us we wouldn't have it any other way. Good Luck and post here often!

So true. Pitching will also test the fortitude of your young pitcher. For some crazy reason, your DD will be treated differently once she becomes a pitcher. She might be encouraged by some teammates while shunned by other teammates (especially the girls she will be splitting circle time with). Some girls are cool with it, while others will get jealous and become mean. Pitchers get a lot of attention (good and bad) whether they like it or not. When she gets a few innings under her belt, she'll know if it suits her. Be prepared to help her navigate through the drama.
Jan 4, 2019
So true. Pitching will also test the fortitude of your young pitcher. For some crazy reason, your DD will be treated differently once she becomes a pitcher. She might be encouraged by some teammates while shunned by other teammates (especially the girls she will be splitting circle time with). Some girls are cool with it, while others will get jealous and become mean. Pitchers get a lot of attention (good and bad) whether they like it or not. When she gets a few innings under her belt, she'll know if it suits her. Be prepared to help her navigate through the drama.

I am starting to notice a difference already more with the parents, than the kids. We chose to put her on a C team to get her pitching time and they plan to use her as a main pitcher. I have had a few comments from different parents. Mostly due to the fact we chose to go to a different pitching coach than their kid. But, it seems like there is a constant comparison and need for " pitching time". I really don't care if she pitches the whole time, just so she does to get experience. Of course, her batting and fielding are above C level so she does also stand out. She seems ok with it for now but time will tell when she gets out of practice and into a game. At this point, I want this summer to be learning as much as she can and to see if this is a fit for her. So far, she is soaking up practice time as much as she can.
Oct 4, 2018
I'm not a pitching coach and shouldn't comment too much on any young girl's mechanics. That said... :)

Her stride seems more like a step than a drive/stride. He back foot isn't dragging through to the front foot very well. I also would want a bit more I/R.
Jan 4, 2019
I'm not a pitching coach and shouldn't comment too much on any young girl's mechanics. That said... :)

Her stride seems more like a step than a drive/stride. He back foot isn't dragging through to the front foot very well. I also would want a bit more I/R.

I think you are on the money and I am not a coach either. This may have been a drill, I am not sure. But, the thing he is trying to get her to work on the most is leg drive and a loose arm. When she does a walk thru she looks really good. For some reason, she has it in her head that she can't leap off the mound at all because of the rule that the back leg has to drag, so its like she is walking. I am hoping this is something she improves on with actual game pitching. He doesn't have her finish her arm any place and the older girls he works with have great whip, so will see. I think I need to look for drive videos so she sees she can get off the mound better.


Dec 18, 2014
How does she feel about changing teams so often? I see that a lot of my daughter's joy comes from the game, but a lot also comes from the teammates. She's 9. Perhaps that fades some as they age.

Short of rec ball, she played for the same (travel) team 8U-11U although subbed for other teams including Nationals. Switched Organizations at 12U. It was a tough move, for sure. But there were more reasons 'for' than against, and it was time. We felt a stronger schedule and better(?) coaching would help elevate her game. The team did very well at 12U, including beating her 'old' (but very talented) team in bracket play at Nationals. Yes, she pitched the entire game. Change is never easy, but get used to it in travel ball. (I always try to remain friendly to everyone because it's such a small circle of families)

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