Increasing velocity

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Jul 18, 2021
What are everyone’s suggestions for increasing pitching velocity? Any go to drills? Longtoss? Seems like my daughter’s velo shot up from high 40’s - high 50’s and now has plateaued. We work on this constantly just aren’t seeing a lot of results. She is a 13 year old, left hander and has topped out at 59 mph. Are we ahead or behind the curve? Any info appreciated.

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Jan 6, 2018
Age doesn't help much. Girls tend to add velocity as they grow bigger & taller. Then it takes work. Typically for the immature girls I teach only proper mechanics and how to warm up so as they grow so they get get faster just from continuing to throw and throw and grow! After that we work on being more explosive and it's on them to hit the gym.
Jul 18, 2021
My daughter has good height, she’s right at 5’8” needs to add some bulk however, weighs a slender 125lbs. I have purchased Amanda Scarborough’s velo maximizer course, we work with the VPX harness, longtoss, ect and like I said, have kind of plateaued. I think the next move is to get her into more of a strength program. We have done very little so far.

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Jan 6, 2018
My daughter has good height, she’s right at 5’8” needs to add some bulk however, weighs a slender 125lbs. I have purchased Amanda Scarborough’s velo maximizer course, we work with the VPX harness, longtoss, ect and like I said, have kind of plateaued. I think the next move is to get her into more of a strength program. We have done very little so far.

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Yeah - keep up good mechanics, which she likely has being 5'8" and throwing 59. A strength and agility program plus filling out will help a lot. Also working on timing which a good coach or the fine people here can help with. (If you want specific help post a video.) In general I like long toss for gaining velocity. Also tracking speeds all through the warm-up is helpful. Setting new speeds all the way to full pitch and into walk throughs and long toss distance as well.
Jun 22, 2019
59 for a 13yr old is very good. An 8th grader/HS freshman throwing 59+ is rare. They say you will typically see 1-3 mph per year increase in HS, but some plateau earlier and some don’t until later. My daughter entered HS averaging 56 and she left throwing 62-63. Her HS team had another girl that entered averaging 56-57 and left HS throwing 56-57.

I know this will sound crazy, but we saw the largest jump in velocity after breaks. She played year round, but we intentionally took at least 6 weeks off every year. No practice, no pitching. Seems like we always saw the velocity growth right after those breaks.

We also did fast arm drills where they get on a knee in the open position, point glove hand at the target, pitching hand down in front of her belt and then just using her arm, go around as fast as she can and then release with proper whip, body interference, etc. To be honest not sure if this helps or not, but that’s what her pitching coach suggested.

We we’re also told to work on leg strength. Increase momentum toward the plate and shift momentum into her arm by stopping hard when the front foot lands.
Jul 18, 2021
Thanks for all the great information! We are just coming off of about a 4 week break. Ad our fall season ended her velocity went from around 59mph to topping around 56mph. It was driving me nuts trying to figure out the drop and everyone suggested a break. We are coming off the 4 week break this week so looking forward to starting to throw again.

We will keep long toss as part of our weekly velo work for sure. Also we do the workout where we are on the one need and focus on fast arm, I really like that one! I’ll see if I can get some video on here and see what you guys suggest. Thanks all!

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Mar 19, 2009
Southern California
59 at 13 is very respectable and ahead of the curve for most of the kids I see as 14 yr old freshman. At 59+ the big jumps are pretty much over. It’s an uphill battle to continue gaining speed unless you find something mechanical that’s going to make a jump in velocity. Slugger suggested when I posted a player, that improved FSR could increase her speed. She was closing her front foot too much but to my surprise her working on tha did get a bump in speed. Post a video , who knows maybe someone will spot something

Nov 9, 2021
59 at 13 is pretty good. If she just picks up 2 mph a year for the next 5 years she would be at 69. I think the gains will just come at a much slower rate than they have come in the past. Be patient and keep working hard and the gains will likely follow.

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