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May 7, 2014
Ok guys...i need your help on this one. I am asking because I don't know if this situation has come up before. DD was pitching in a high school league game yesterday against one of our rivals. While she was on the mound during a couple of innings, a man, who is associated with the rival team (not officially on staff), was behind the backstop up against the fence filming Dd. I watched him as he at one point showed the footage to the umpire. I believe he was trying to get the umpire to call illegal pitches on her. I kept my cool and just gave him a look at which point he stopped filming her. We lost the game last night and I woke up in an angry mood and felt I missed an opportunity to approach him on this situation. Anyway, I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there a rule against filming a specific player at a high school Game?
2. If there is no rule, should I mention something to someone (their a.d.)?
3. Should I let this go and forget about It? (I'm hoping this is not the consensus, by the way)
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Jun 22, 2008
No rule about video taping, but as an umpire if someone is trying to show me video I would tell them to go away. Video cannot be used by umpires for review of a play so why even entertain the individual and look at it?


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
What kind of umpire watches a fan's video? If the umpire was and I was the coach of your dd, I'd do my best to make sure that umpire never did another one of our games.

You are in a public place. Anyone can film your dd just like parents film football and basketball games for their children. Heck, opposing coaches do it.
Oct 10, 2011
I had an umpire tell me where to set up my camera to see the pitches etc... better. He said he couldn't look at the video during the game of course. When I was watching the video later... he had turned around at one point and looked in the camera and said...i think I may have gotten that wrong. I actually caught him getting hit by a ball and he asked for me to send the video to him. It was pretty cool.
None of that helps you but he definitely shouldn't review anything during the game. Others have videoed players on other teams frequently and there's nothing you can do about that.

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Last edited:
Feb 20, 2015
Yeah, no expectation of privacy in a public place, so therefore filming is allowed. Like others said, Blue should not look at someone's footage during a game. Not what you wanted to hear, but I would let it go.


Feb 20, 2012
I would video your DD yourself to see if she is legal. Post a link to the clip on here if you are not sure. Once you confirm your DD is legal you can rest easy. If she is illegal you can start now working to correct her mechanics.
Jul 25, 2015
What kind of umpire watches a fan's video? If the umpire was and I was the coach of your dd, I'd do my best to make sure that umpire never did another one of our games.

You are in a public place. Anyone can film your dd just like parents film football and basketball games for their children. Heck, opposing coaches do it.

There is one in my area that video's all of his games, whether he is behind the plate or in the field... He has asked for my videos before and I have asked for his... It provides a pretty unique perspective watching the game from the camera he has mounted on the side of his cap / mask... However, I would never think of sharing video with him during a game...
May 7, 2014
Ok thanks guys. I was really fired up when I saw what he was trying to do but I'm now glad I didn't go up to him. I probably would have lost my cool. Just looking at the sneaky way he was doing it too was getting underneath my skin.

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May 27, 2013
I had a coach do this in a tourney a few weeks ago to my dd. The only thing it proved was that she was not illegal. I just laughed.

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