Coach DAVE, hope ur reading this from heaven .......She finally blocked

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Sep 19, 2011
As the title says, coach dave hope u read this from heaven, this is my daughters 1st season catching, she play 12u,she finally blocked one correctly during a GAME, kept the pitch about a foot at most in front of her :):):):)
Nov 12, 2009
Kansas City
I think Dave did much better than reading your post, I think he was there for that block with a big grin on his face. Knowing Dave, this was the first of many successful blocks.
I think as a parent/coach the first time they block in a game is so exciting. My 9 yo daughter watches the NECC dvd with me all the time. When she made that first block in the game after she threw the ball back to the pitcher she just turned to me with the biggest grin on her face. Since then she has blocked about 25 in the past two weeks. Most impressive thing is that she only let one passed ball by because she didn't close her feet fast enough. Funny thing is she came off the field and told me yeah I know I didn't get my feet together fast enough.

She is looking forward to the NECC camp in Houston this winter. She was so sad to hear about Coach Dave because she wanted to tell him thank you.

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