10yo Maddie

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May 24, 2013
So Cal
She looks just like a girl I know, exactly. She is having trouble getting her hands up. At 14 it is the swing she has built for years.
IMO work on that with a lot of focus! Priority 1! She will struggle at 14 and up, and it will be much harder to change the habit. It's hard to hit a ball above your hands and when your hands are starting down in the strike zone. Good pitchers and catchers will spot that right away.

Yep. Being that 10Us kind of pitch all over the place, she sees plenty of high strikes, and struggles to hit them. We've talked a lot about the reasons behind keeping her hands up, and she understands the logic of it. In action, however, is a different story. The floggings shall continue!! ;)
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I was able to get my DD to sit an look at these swings with me (shocking!), and look at the differences between them. I also shared the positive comments that have been made in this thread and PMs I've received. Hopefully, we're turning a corner on her learning process where she will start understanding that looking at slo-mo video is not about trying to beat her down for her flaws, but identifying the things that will help her build a swing that will bring the success that she wants, and video is a powerful tool in the process.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR

Hence the recommendation that was given.

We have worked on these things (or similar) in practice, and she can perform them in pieces, but things tend to fall apart a little when she takes a full swing, and even more when she's in the box.

As 1CA said about your other daughter, attacking from 'below' is a mentality that needs to be addressed. Her mental image of the swing looks to need an alteration ... and hence the attack from the top perspective in the recommendations you received.
Jul 16, 2013
I was able to get my DD to sit an look at these swings with me (shocking!), and look at the differences between them. I also shared the positive comments that have been made in this thread and PMs I've received. Hopefully, we're turning a corner on her learning process where she will start understanding that looking at slo-mo video is not about trying to beat her down for her flaws, but identifying the things that will help her build a swing that will bring the success that she wants, and video is a powerful tool in the process.

This method works very well for my DD (14 yo). I will show her two videos (either two of hers, or one of her and one of someone else) and ask her to explain the differences that she sees. Putting her in charge of this process has improved her acceptance of it.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
...attacking from 'below' is a mentality that needs to be addressed. Her mental image of the swing looks to need an alteration ... and hence the attack from the top perspective in the recommendations you received.

Agreed. As of yet, the change of mental perspective has not settled in, nor has the movement pattern that goes with it. Turning the barrel with top hand swivel, from the rear shoulder is our current focus right now. I have used the "attack from above" cue and demonstration with her, but the dots haven't connected for her yet. It's something that will continue to be included in our work.

You made astute observation about me in the past that I tend to be a bit scattered with how I approach both of my DD's hitting issues, and throw too many things at them. This was very good advice for me. I'm trying to do better about getting one thing figured out before tweaking 7 other things.
May 12, 2014
Eric, you've got a heck of a player on your hands. Great idea on having her watch and critique herself. I've done that with my daughter when she practices pitching. But, it's a fight when comes to batting....she swears she's turning the barrel...haha. Good job with your DD and congrats.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Eric, you've got a heck of a player on your hands. Great idea on having her watch and critique herself. I've done that with my daughter when she practices pitching. But, it's a fight when comes to batting....she swears she's turning the barrel...haha. Good job with your DD and congrats.

Video doesn't lie. ;)

The kind words are appreciated.
May 12, 2014
No kidding when it comes to video. She sees it when she watches it. But, she can't feel it during her swing. We'll get there.

No problem on the kind words.
Dec 3, 2012
West Coast
Please share when you guys figure out how to get game swings to match practice swings. In my DD's last AB this Sunday her swing had everything wrong in it that we are trying to improve. It was awful! We go to our fields cages yesterday and just as we're starting the University team shows up in the cage right next to us. I wanted to disappear as I could see this might be embarrassing. She calmly keeps her hands up and is turning the barrel better than she ever has and lines almost everything to the back of the net. Why oh why couldn't it be in her game AB's!
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